Oh, how I love and adore greed! Another infamous movie character, Gordon Geeko, said, "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good".
Greed has brought us every major advancement the world has ever known. Whether it be greed for money, or greed for power, humans striving to better their condition moves us forward. Suckling up to the teat for nourishment is ok for infants but not adults.
Now greed can be abused like anything, and unethical or illegal acts in its service are abhorrent. But everyday that I get up and go to work I do so because I want to better my situation and those I serve. If its at the expense or loss of a rival or competitor, so be it. Indeed, I am greedy, and proud of it.
Economics 101 can help explain the law of supply and demand, and other critical concepts that make capitalism and its associated profits the greatest wealth creation system the world has ever known.
Yes, sure there are losers too. But that's purely natural. Ask a lion and a gazelle.