First Legion Napoleonics for Sale (2 Viewers)

Below is a list of what remains. Please contact me via pm or if interested. Thanks.

French Marshalls and Personalities

NAP 30 Napoleon and the French Staff

French Line Infantry

NAP 34 Fusilier Advancing
NAP 45 Fusilier Charging
NAP 47 Fusilier NCO in Melee
NAP 51 Voltigeur Advancing
NAP 53 Voltigeur Marching Attacking
NAP 58 Grenadier Advancing Campaign Dress

Russian Personalities

NAP 99 Kutuzov and the Imperial General Staff
NAP 175 Orlov-Denisov

Imperial Russian Soumsky Hussars

NAP 131 Private with Sword
NAP 132 Private with Pistol
NAP 133 Private with Lance

Prussians Musketeers of the 11th Line (2nd Silesian) Infantry Regiment

NAP 150 Officer with Shako
NAP 151 Officer with Bandaged Head
NAP 155 Musketeer Advancing with Shako
NAP 156 Musketeer Advancing with Covered Shako
NAP 162 Musketeers Falling Vignette
NAP 163 Musketeer NCO

Tauride Line Grenadier Regiment

NAP 235 Wounded
NAP 236 Dead Grenadier

Hahn Grenadier Battalion, 2nd Hungarian Line Regiment

NAP 292 Mounted Colonel
NAP 350 Field Marshall Archduke Charles

18th Line Infantry “The Brave”

NAP 313 Drummer

Kingdom of Saxony Guard du Corps

NAP 427 Officer

Virgin of Smolensk Vignette

NAP 443 Russian Priest
NAP 444 Russian Boy with Religious Gonfalon
NAP 445 Russian Grenadier and Moscow Militia with Virgin of Smolensk Icon
NAP 446 Russian Izumsky Hussar Officer
NAP 447 Simbirsky Musketeer Kneeling
NAP 448 Moscow Grenadier Kneeling

Imperial Russian Litvosky Uhlans

NAP 449 Uhlan Officer
NAP 459 Uhlan Trumpeter
NAP 452 Uhlan with Lance
NAP 445, 446, 447 and 448 have been sold.

Everything else is still available.
Below is a list of what remains. Please contact me via pm or if interested. If you buy two or more, I will pay for the first $10 in shipping. Thanks.

French Marshalls and Personalities

NAP 30 Napoleon and the French Staff

French Line Infantry

NAP 45 Fusilier Charging
NAP 58 Grenadier Advancing Campaign Dress

Russian Personalities

NAP 99 Kutuzov and the Imperial General Staff
NAP 175 Orlov-Denisov

Imperial Russian Soumsky Hussars

NAP 131 Private with Sword
NAP 132 Private with Pistol
NAP 133 Private with Lance

Prussians Musketeers of the 11th Line (2nd Silesian) Infantry Regiment

NAP 150 Officer with Shako
NAP 151 Officer with Bandaged Head
NAP 163 Musketeer NCO

Tauride Line Grenadier Regiment

NAP 235 Wounded
NAP 236 Dead Grenadier

Hahn Grenadier Battalion, 2nd Hungarian Line Regiment

NAP 295 Drummer
NAP 350 Field Marshall Archduke Charles

18th Line Infantry “The Brave”

NAP 313 Drummer

Kingdom of Saxony Guard du Corps

NAP 427 Officer

Virgin of Smolensk Vignette

NAP 443 Russian Priest
NAP 444 Russian Boy with Religious Gonfalon

Imperial Russian Litvosky Uhlans

NAP 449 Uhlan Officer
NAP 452 Uhlan with Lance
Below is a list of what remains. Please contact me via pm or if interested. Thanks.

Russian Personalities

NAP 99 Kutuzov and the Imperial General Staff
NAP 175 Orlov-Denisov

Imperial Russian Soumsky Hussars

NAP 131 Private with Sword
NAP 132 Private with Pistol
NAP 133 Private with Lance

Prussians Musketeers of the 11th Line (2nd Silesian) Infantry Regiment

NAP 150 Officer with Shako
NAP 151 Officer with Bandaged Head
NAP 163 Musketeer NCO

Tauride Line Grenadier Regiment

NAP 235 Wounded
NAP 236 Dead Grenadier

Hahn Grenadier Battalion, 2nd Hungarian Line Regiment

NAP 350 Field Marshall Archduke Charles

18th Line Infantry “The Brave”

NAP 313 Drummer

Kingdom of Saxony Guard du Corps

NAP 427 Officer
NAP 350 Field Marshall Archduke Charles has been sold.

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