First Napoleonic Dio's (of a sort) (1 Viewer)

I never paid attention at school so I now sit at the pc with a dictionary, how sad it that.:redface2::redface2::redface2:

Look for the punctuation section as well - 'How sad is that' is a question!{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}
Look for the punctuation section as well - 'How sad is that' is a question!{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}
Ok, ok, now you are showing off, Here's your pic. B....y teachers.:D:D^&grin


  • hussars-officer.jpg
    28.1 KB · Views: 155
To add to the ever growing collection the last missing Dutch Lancer arrived from Stan today, in my excitement i broke it taking it out of the box......dont know if the irony of something traveling thousand of km's to be broken seconds after the box was open was lost on you but i can assure you it wasnt lost on me{sm2}{sm2}{sm2}
Thank god for super glue (and the superficial nature of the damage!!).....i can tell you there where some adjectives flying around the lounge room that did not require a speil cheque!!


  • IMG_TF006.jpg
    113.7 KB · Views: 162
If you keep this up I'll go broke as I can't afford to start collecting NAPS as well, looks great {bravo}}
Wayne, i can understand that since i started collecting a few months ago the boat has had to go on the market{sm2}!!!!!
Wayne, i can understand that since i started collecting a few months ago the boat has had to go on the market{sm2}!!!!!
MATE, NOT THE BOAT!!! You have got it bad, I must admit my rod has forgotten what a fish looks like as well. :wink2::wink2:
Yep i know its very sad, and hard to explain to my fishing mad mates......luckily they have boats too so its not a total loss.
Good photos.

Yet another newcomer who worked out how to post images years before me:mad:

I blame my loyal but ancient shop computer which has been given it's marching orders and replacement almost ready{sm4}

Dont throw that computer out i'm sure there is a museum or univercity somewhere that would be greatful to have it in there collection{sm4}
Dont throw that computer out i'm sure there is a museum or univercity somewhere that would be greatful to have it in there collection{sm4}
You must not have seen it. {sm4}{sm4}{sm4}
You must not have seen it. {sm4}{sm4}{sm4}

Actually Wayne he was one of the many who suggested it should get the boot. Luckily I am using another computer as I write this as I am sure the feelings of the other would be hurt.
Actually Wayne he was one of the many who suggested it should get the boot. Luckily I am using another computer as I write this as I am sure the feelings of the other would be hurt.
It's had a hard life, over due for a new one with a HD monitor.
I think you have a GREAT NAPOLEONIC DISPLAY ! ^&grin

- but, really you should buy some more FRENCH - LOL !
Funny you should say that i just added 6 more K&C Imperial Guard and ordered the new TG Imperial Guard so that should even things up!{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}
Funny you should say that i just added 6 more K&C Imperial Guard and ordered the new TG Imperial Guard so that should even things up!{sm4}{sm4}{sm4}

What are you going to do if our dealer can only get one set - remembering of course that my order went in a full five minutes before yours?
Firstly i have more faith in our dealer coming through with the goods and on the off chance he's war my friend.
Firstly i have more faith in our dealer coming through with the goods and on the off chance he's war my friend.

On a completely different note - will you be walking past the dark alley near our dealer's shop on Thursday night?

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