First post and first ACW diorama (1 Viewer)

Manila soldier

Jun 30, 2013
Hi all,

Have been reading the forum for some time and decided it was time to reach out and post a couple of shots from one of my ACW dioramas. I mainly collect ACW and British Colonial, and am a big fan of the TCS ACW issues......I have practically every one. Great dynamic animation.

I often mix TCS and K&C in bigger dioramas (less so in small vignettes where the different styles are more obvious).

Manassas 203 (800x600).jpgManassas 205 (800x600).jpg
Just a fantastic diorama. Keep up the great work and send in some more photos of Your dioramas. Thanks for posting great pics.
Thanks guys, appreciate the kind words.
A couple more shots as the two opposing lines make contact......

Toy Soldier pics 036 (640x480).jpgNew camera pics 077 (640x425).jpg
here's a couple more as Berdans sharpshooters start plugging away at Wheats Tigers on the Union right . The only battle I could be sure of where these regiments were both involved was Gaines' Mill in the 7 Days, so I call the diorama Gaines' Mill (not that theres anything representative of the terrain). In fact after this battle Wheats Tigers were it was a swansong.

New camera pics 040 (640x425).jpgNew camera pics 074 (640x425).jpg
Splendid scenes Manila, great looking collection you have there, thanks for posting.

Check out the American civil War diaries in the diodramas thread, I think you will enjoy them.

Welcome to the forum too!

Thanks Rob and thanks for the welcome to the forum.Delighted to be here.

have just looked at the American Civil War Diaries in the diodrama thread....
and what can I say!.....absolutely inspiring!......UK Reb is a genius......... please
teach me master........
Amazing large museum like dio, I love it ...And how you can mix well KC and CS {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
Great dios and very nice collection you have there. Add my welcome to the forum as well. Chris

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