FL-ickstarter Announced and Campaign 1 Underway! (1 Viewer)

Think the income generated from 20 standard bearers would be too low to bother with.

The renewed interest as you point out would be an interesting addition.

I was thinking more like the inventory, that the dealers have will sell out and make more space for other ones, I shop at Sierra Toy Soldier, the last time I went there. They do not stock this pieces, they order them. And if a miniature is selling pretty well, they will keep it in stock. Fearful that people will order from another dealer.
This pieces are marvelous, but every collector does need a centerpiece, and without the standards. Where is the centerpiece of the Gordon Highlanders? The Tartan kilts can only go so far. And a British line/ Square needs something that will help them rally when. And if needed....
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Matt, I think this is a great idea:salute::....... I know that there was not long ago a high demand for the Prussian Flag Bearer....( I have one and 2 Drummers as well ).....Will we see that one as well as the Prussian Drummer figures??? Also will this project only be for older flag bearers or will we also see more NEW ADDITIONS to the marching lines of the Prussians and Russian Grenadier Taurides.....I think that if you applied this concept to AFV's in the future it would be a win win for both FL and FL collectors BUT ONLY if the demand and the numbers warrant a re-release....Again it could be addressed as a pre-order through dealers and then it could be decided upon as a case by case basis solely by First Legion.....Again thank you for listening to your customers :salute:::salute:::salute::
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Just my opinion but with the Gordon Highlanders, there is a way to get them jumpstarted again without remaking the same figures.

Why not just do something a little different and create a totally new figure using bits and pieces of the figures already made in the line ?

You would end up with the same standard as before and with a figure that looks different while not having to incur the cost of sculpting a new figure.

You would also sell twice as many as you would by just remaking the same figure as years past which would insure that figure is actually made.. All the guys saying that they need a standard bearer to get excited to buy the old stock would be happy and you'd have most of the collectors who already have the old figure buying one as well because its a totally new figure and code to the line. If you made him in a action pose defending the colors all the better.

Just an idea that could be used with the entire FL-starter idea, hell just swap the heads around on the Tank riders and MG34 crew with other figures from the line and bam.... regards Gebhard
A good suggestion.....Slightly different Flag-bearers would be OK with me ....They do not necessarily have to be identical to the original figures but they do need to be at least similar and able to be used with the rest of the existing figures in the range.....I happen to have both of the original Gordon Highlander Flag-bearers so naturally I would not be purchasing what I already own....I would purchase another if the pose and flag were a bit different.....Over-all I must STILL give credit to FL for addressing this issue by re-releasing Flag-Bearers for the guys who need and want them.....Again Thank you to Matt and FL for this service to their customers.:salute::
Just my opinion but with the Gordon Highlanders, there is a way to get them jumpstarted again without remaking the same figures.

Why not just do something a little different and create a totally new figure using bits and pieces of the figures already made in the line ?

You would end up with the same standard as before and with a figure that looks different while not having to incur the cost of sculpting a new figure.

You would also sell twice as many as you would by just remaking the same figure as years past which would insure that figure is actually made.. All the guys saying that they need a standard bearer to get excited to buy the old stock would be happy and you'd have most of the collectors who already have the old figure buying one as well because its a totally new figure and code to the line. If you made him in a action pose defending the colors all the better.

Just an idea that could be used with the entire FL-starter idea, hell just swap the heads around on the Tank riders and MG34 crew with other figures from the line and bam.... regards Gebhard

I like the idea Gebs, if First Legion were to re do the tank riders and tweak them to be a little different here or there from the originals I'd be inclined to place a order.
I put in my order for the tank riders already. I hope there's enough interest because I've wanted them for a long time and kicked myself for not getting them when they were available!
I hope every pieces!(s) gets made, it will be a great start, and it will make Constantine and Matt believe that there is a market for re-releases. Fingers crossed. Plus there is that extra figure....:smile2:
Pretty much the on the FL website stated all the ground rules on sets that a collector may ask for. I already have something in mind couple of Napoleonic figures. A drummer, A Standard Bearer and a regular foot soldier (Prussian 11th Infantry or French Guard Chasseur).....
They already have the metal casting for the Prussian Standard Bearer, so it probably is the easiest to redo. And might just be in the next offering.
Agreed that will be easy to make since the casting already exist I should have said Nassau Standard Bearer
They already have the metal casting for the Prussian Standard Bearer, so it probably is the easiest to redo. And might just be in the next offering.

So you're suggesting that we ship our metal kit for the Prussian Standard Bearer from our warehouse in the USA back to the factory in China for painting and then do new packaging for it and reship to the USA? :smile2:

The Prussian standard bearer is not one of the figures we'll do with this nor are any of the Prussians.


Oh OK, thought you might have it in China too, just thought it would be simple enough, guess not. Oh well.
I think I will put a pre-order in for the tank riders, those sets can be utilized in so many situations from tanks, trucks, ruins etc...only think I could request if they are remade is if it's possible to take some of the shine off the helmets.
There is a target number, my guess is its 50 pieces, and it looks like its going to fall short, one is @ 8% and the other is 10%. I have been meaning to get a KC pieces the"Adler" I will get that one if the Highlanders falls through.
Any Ideas about what is the next Fl-ick starter should have?, Maybe start a poll, I can do it. But, need ideas. Mine would be Sam-05 the Samurai Archer.. I already have one, just helping The collectors that don't have one.
Not unless the next Samurai offerings will have one....
Any Ideas about what is the next Fl-ick starter should have?, Maybe start a poll, I can do it. But, need ideas. Mine would be Sam-05 the Samurai Archer.. I already have one, just helping The collectors that don't have one.
Not unless the next Samurai offerings will have one....

Adding to your Samurai wishlist, I would like to see either SAM019a or SAM019b reissued.

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