FL Normandy Germans?? (1 Viewer)

Have there been preview pictures of these figures you're asking about?
Have there been preview pictures of these figures you're asking about?

They were posted with photos back a few months ago in toy soldier collector magazine and I thought I heard a December date release??
The new Normandy Germans look outstanding!!! Really enjoy the radioman, something different as well as the German carrying the weapons and ground mine..actually they are all awesome!!! Thanks FL for a job well done!!.

Hi Sammy, they are pretty nice. I also like the grenadier carrying the Panzerfaust and Tellermine. FL did a really good job on this guy he is reading for battle for sure really like the job they did on the Tellermine.

Hi Sammy, they are pretty nice. I also like the grenadier carrying the Panzerfaust and Tellermine. FL did a really good job on this guy he is reading for battle for sure really like the job they did on the Tellermine.

Agree completely and I think this is the best figure of the lot.

My only gripe is I wish Matt would stop his fetish with helmet decals! It's OK to give us some Stahlhelms that were just grey...the majority of the ones in Normandy were that way!
Agree completely and I think this is the best figure of the lot.

My only gripe is I wish Matt would stop his fetish with helmet decals! It's OK to give us some Stahlhelms that were just grey...the majority of the ones in Normandy were that way!

I agree double decal helms at that stage in the war were all but extinct, I'd like to see more single decal helms as well as Helms with no decals. Looking at the helm's decals can actually be used to help identify the date of unpublished photo's just as using uniforms, weapons and equipment are.

Also, by Normandy the Germans were making use of camo paint sometimes painting over the decals and sometimes leaving them totally exposed and sometimes using a light wash to partially cover them.

There is certainly no lack of options a manufacture can use to portray German soldiers in Normandy there were certainly enough items developed, released and used by the Germans over years of pervious fighting and that the experiences gained helped to develop them.

Just a few examples of variations encountered by the Allies in Normandy.

WWII-German-normandy-Camo-Helmet-left.jpg 39667_8.jpg 70046638_1_x.jpg
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I really like the sniper and scout team. They would make a great little dio with some foliage or rubble building.
Agree completely and I think this is the best figure of the lot.

My only gripe is I wish Matt would stop his fetish with helmet decals! It's OK to give us some Stahlhelms that were just grey...the majority of the ones in Normandy were that way!

I agree, this is my favorite too. The animation is great, the gear is interesting and well done, the figure is super versatile for scenes. I picked up this one, the radioman, the sniper, and the kneeling NCO.

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