FL picture of the month Jan. 2015 (1 Viewer)


Oct 30, 2007
Hi all,

How about a thread where we do some of our most favorite First Legion photos whether it be a older picture or new one?? borrowed the idea from another forum where we had fun with it.

here is a favorite of mine featuring the Panzer III, always loved the back ground in this photo...Sammy

Great idea (will post something later) & where did that awesome building come from ? Great background !
Great idea (will post something later) & where did that awesome building come from ? Great background !

Thanks for the kind words Mike, the background was a dio done in 2012/13? by David at TM Terrain, that dude can build anything!!...Sammy
Nice... Anyone else ticked off the bino tank commander is "retired" (TC003)? I was lucky to get one when i bought the Panzer III..
Hey Sammy. I got your message. Here is my favorite FL Tank (actually I only have one :) ) But still really like it!misc 002 (640x395).jpg003 (3) (640x391).jpg
Thanks Sammy. But you have to stop posting those winter germans. I really want them and suspect I will break down shortly! After all. It is winter now!
Mike, got to say that's pretty dern close to looking like the real deal!! great looking photos, I don't recall this picture before is it new??...Sammy

LOL, did I forget to attach the link or something ? I see no image from my posting {sm2}
We're having a bit of an issue with attachments on the forum right now. It's being worked on.
Wow Mike,

At first even looking closely i thought it was a real ww2 picture.

Nicely done.

Thanks COH for your kind words ! {sm4}

I just wish I had more time to work on dios and scene setting.

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