Flashman and the Dragon (1 Viewer)

You forgot to put "The Victor" and "The Hornet" on the list....:D:D
I return to putting rice on the table and slates on the pagoda roof on 25th April. Primarily cos that's when my visa runs out :mad: and, very much by way of a secondary consideration, that's the dates that are on my flight tickets, :( By Jove....!!!!


Well that means that there's another week before normality resumes on the forum.


But what's this, there seems to be something happening (at last) over on the French flank,

By Jingo, it seems to be some Brit Sarge leading a French footslogger's charge - Can it be..?? Is it possible..??....

Yeeeeeessss...!!! By request from a member of the audience (Saber),
it's a special guest appearance from none other than......
Sergeant Richard Sharpe, who's been shipped over from the Chelsea Pensioners Old Folks Home in India to stiffen
the resolve of our French Allies.
(He was demoted back to the ranks on retiring from taking the Queens Shilling).


Meanwhile, back at the "Pagoda Behind The Lines", it's business as usual.

To be continued.....

Demoted and transfered and and and....... Oh the ignominy of it all. Where is Harper?
Aye, the Brass certainly knows how to live - while the PBI get on with trying to win the war.

Talking of which, hey Sharpie's managed to work a miracle and get our Gallant Allies offensive back on the rails.

Hard to believe the last time we looked in on this lot, they were fleeing in panic from The Brave Flying Kites.
Way to go Jacques, go......


Meanwhile, what's going on here in the Summer Palace National Park..?? Why, it's "The Beautiful Silk Pyjama" herself. Hmmm....Looks like a certain 20th Century icon captured in a rather poignant snap by the paparazzi sitting on her
ownsome outside the Taj Mahal may have taken her lead from Yenohala. So, is "The Imperial Yi Concubine" harbouring regrets and sighing for the mess she's landed Flashy in..?? Don't be so daft. More likely she's planning who she's going to invite to the Karaoke Party tonight.


To be continued.
Good Lord! Sharpie's been tossed out of his coveted green jacket:eek:! Oh the shame, no longer a chosen man, just a footslogen' chump back in the line:D:eek:!
Good Lord! Sharpie's been tossed out of his coveted green jacket:eek:! Oh the shame, no longer a chosen man, just a footslogen' chump back in the line:D:eek:!

But don't forget he started his career in India - wearing a redcoat.

When you're sitting around on half pay I guess you'll take any assignment, even leading a bunch of Ron's pals into the fray:D! Looking forward to the continuing drama:).
When you're sitting around on half pay I guess you'll take any assignment, even leading a bunch of Ron's pals into the fray:D! Looking forward to the continuing drama:).

Flashy took a break for a couple of days to reflect on his misfortunes. He'll be back soon...:):););):eek:

Lets hope he's not scheming to run off with Mr Sharpe's latest lady friend while poor Richard is schlepping around with the Frenchies, or heaven forbid abscond with his money:D:D. Not that Flashy would ever do something like that mind you;).
Lets hope he's not scheming to run off with Mr Sharpe's latest lady friend while poor Richard is schlepping around with the Frenchies, or heaven forbid abscond with his money:D:D. Not that Flashy would ever do something like that mind you;).

Sigh.....:eek: First it was KV with Blackadder, now its Saber looking in on the script :eek::eek: - Of course Flashy's gonna steal Sharpie's latest lady friend and run off with all his money - It's what that Flash Git does for a living. Plus it allows me to introduce a cowboy-type "High-Noon - Inspired" showdown between them.
Really need to get my paws on more female leads. Mrs Dickinson is pencilled in for an appearance (she can be Grace Kelly)......as are some JJ civilians, as are the amazing AE dancing girls.....as is the seated SOHK Chinese wifie sittin' with her knittin' :D.
Have been toying (pun intended) with the idea of getting some of "Alexanders Toy Soldiers" ladies attending the Duchess of Richmonds Ball. Reckon they would make pretty good extras in this movie, but I've no idea how long they'll take to be delivered to China..?? And, the authorities have just anounced - no more multiple entry Chinese visa's to be issued in Hong Kong until after the Beijing Olympics :mad:. So if I can only get single-entry visas for the foreseeable; if I have TS orders sent to South China - then that means an internal flight to/from Dalian via Shenzhen airport until m-e visa's become available again - Aaaaaiiiieeeee....!!!! If you'd seen Shenzhen airport, you'd understand my reluctance to use it....:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Aye, so, a couple of days later, this unholy din disturbs the Celestial Peace and Tranquillity. Little An makes a brave but futile attempt to shield his mistress from the infernal racket.

What's this..?? It looks like some kind of message is being delivered..??

Seems to be serious stuff, the messenger has to perform the 6-times Kowtow after delivering his missive. Wait..could it be..?? No surely not..?? Well who knows, cos on this thread, anything could happen in the next 30 minutes......Is it the verdict from the Board of Punishments..?? Is Flashy going to be singing in the soprano section of the Church Choir from now on..?? Even worse, will The Orchid sign the necessary papers and approve the foul deed..?? Or is it just the announcement of this weeks Summer Palace Lottery Winners..??

Hold it folks, what's this we see..?? 'Tis another messenger flying hot-hoof at cantering speed through the deserted Chinese countryside........Is it a reprieve for the Cad..?? Can it be something connected with the siege of the Taku Forts..??
Is he lost..??


Tune in, around the same time, same channel, next time, if you've nothing better to do - and find out (maybe).
Aye, so, a couple of days later, this unholy din disturbs the Celestial Peace and Tranquillity. Little An makes a brave but futile attempt to shield his mistress from the infernal racket.

What's this..?? It looks like some kind of message is being delivered..??

Seems to be serious stuff, the messenger has to perform the 6-times Kowtow after delivering his missive. Wait..could it be..?? No surely not..?? Well who knows, cos on this thread, anything could happen in the next 30 minutes......Is it the verdict from the Board of Punishments..?? Is Flashy going to be singing in the soprano section of the Church Choir from now on..?? Even worse, will The Orchid sign the necessary papers and approve the foul deed..?? Or is it just the announcement of this weeks Summer Palace Lottery Winners..??

Hold it folks, what's this we see..?? 'Tis another messenger flying hot-hoof at cantering speed through the deserted Chinese countryside........Is it a reprieve for the Cad..?? Can it be something connected with the siege of the Taku Forts..??
Is he lost..??


Tune in, around the same time, same channel, next time, if you've nothing better to do - and find out (maybe).


Good stuff! What do you mean maybe? You have another four days at least to finish this off :eek::rolleyes::D


:D:D Have I got news for yooz....:D:D
The film crew are working overtime as we speak.......!!!!!

Ummm.....eeeerrrr....ahem, :eek::eek: Kof Kof.
Filming on this exciting epic has been suspended for the next 4 weeks due to the director failing to remember to pack his camera which contains many, never before published scenes of mayhem and nonsense.

Meanwhile, the director of this one will go on a talent hunt for more promising actors to make an appearance once film production re-starts.

NOOOOOO.....!:eek::eek: Well I guess I'll just fill up my time by ordering more little soldiers to order around:D. Although this sounds a little like the who shot J R cliffhanger gig:D;).
Sigh.....:eek: First it was KV with Blackadder, now its Saber looking in on the script :eek::eek: - Of course Flashy's gonna steal Sharpie's latest lady friend and run off with all his money - It's what that Flash Git does for a living. Plus it allows me to introduce a cowboy-type "High-Noon - Inspired" showdown between them.
Really need to get my paws on more female leads. Mrs Dickinson is pencilled in for an appearance (she can be Grace Kelly)......as are some JJ civilians, as are the amazing AE dancing girls.....as is the seated SOHK Chinese wifie sittin' with her knittin' :D.
Have been toying (pun intended) with the idea of getting some of "Alexanders Toy Soldiers" ladies attending the Duchess of Richmonds Ball. Reckon they would make pretty good extras in this movie, but I've no idea how long they'll take to be delivered to China..?? And, the authorities have just anounced - no more multiple entry Chinese visa's to be issued in Hong Kong until after the Beijing Olympics :mad:. So if I can only get single-entry visas for the foreseeable; if I have TS orders sent to South China - then that means an internal flight to/from Dalian via Shenzhen airport until m-e visa's become available again - Aaaaaiiiieeeee....!!!! If you'd seen Shenzhen airport, you'd understand my reluctance to use it....:rolleyes::rolleyes:


Do you know for whom the bell tolls???? Well do ya?

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