Fleeing from the Russians (1 Viewer)

Oh ya', Steve. I have 100's and 100's of them, but I think I will save them for George's and my trip to Chicago.
17-18 hours of one-liner JOKES!!!!


Steve, on all the rubble you have in your dio's is that (mainly) one item or do you spread bags of the "JUNK" around each time?

Yep ... that's right folks, keep the time and date free.

"Just flew in from Taunton, Mass. …. boy are my arms tired … ;)"
"Found a dead lawyer in the middle of the road. How did you know it was a lawyer? …. NO SKID MARKS … :p"
"What do you call a man with a rubber toe? ..... Roberto! :rolleyes:"

"When's the best time to go to the dentist? .... Tooth-hurtie! :eek:"

Traveling with George, to the shows, provides ample opportunities to collect material for a new performance each show.

--- LaRRy

LMAO, almost blew Diet Pepsi out my nose....great way to start the day !
LMAO, almost blew Diet Pepsi out my nose....great way to start the day !

With all the depressing news showing up every day, I am glad that I can add a bit of leviety to you morning.
Good Collecting!

--- LaRRy
PS: Pepsi in the .. MORNING??? My stomach is growling now! ^&confuse
With all the depressing news showing up every day, I am glad that I can add a bit of leviety to you morning.
Good Collecting!

--- LaRRy
PS: Pepsi in the .. MORNING??? My stomach is growling now! ^&confuse

LOL, yep, worked thru college for a Pepsi bottler and developed a habit for cold caffeine...it was free !
Oh ya', Steve. I have 100's and 100's of them, but I think I will save them for George's and my trip to Chicago.
17-18 hours of one-liner JOKES!!!!


Steve, on all the rubble you have in your dio's is that (mainly) one item or do you spread bags of the "JUNK" around each time?


What you'll call a Man under a pile of leaves ? Russell ^&grin

Larry, most of the depth of the piles of rubble is just filler mixed with terracotta colour paint (Orange and Brown mixed) and while still wet, miniature bricks (ebay), brick dust and dirt the odd piece of wood, (painted Matchsticks) and even the occasional bit of wire added by pushing in. Then when dry some drops of watered down wood glue to hold the dust etc in place.

Loose bricks and dust added to scene to fill in gaps.

If making Winterized ones don't try using real snow Larry ^&grin


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