Hi Mike , we have an 11 year old Mini schnauzer named Parker .
He had a growth removed from his bladder in January 2011 and he is now undergoing chemo as the growth has returned . We are hoping for the best !
He can still hold it longer than me . He goes to bed around 10:00pm and we have to chase him out the door at 9:00 am to do his business
that's sad...Boo and me have been together for about 2 years...he came from the Houston Miniature Rescue Center...and don't let the name fool you...it cost $350 to rescue him...hahaha...
pets can be so expensive...I highly recommend health insurance for them...I wish I had gotten it for Boo...
he has allergies...so he takes Cyclosporin peanut butter flavored pills daily...that with his monthly Cortisone steroid shots...seems to keep him from scratching...I can't stand to see him suffer...he's like a child to me...
the vet recommended a dermatologist...hahaha...for real...I asked him what that might cost...he told me about $2,000...thank God the pills work...
add in his teeth cleaning...his regular vaccinations...parvo...rabies...heart worm...etc...
his health care bill is almost as bad as mine...
I lost Magic...my last mini schnauzer about 4 years ago...he had congestive heart failure and was prone to seizures...he was a handfull at the end...but I treated him like he was my son...
I remember when the vet diagnosed his heart condition and explained it to me...he held the stethescope to Magic's heart and told me to listen...he said I should hear a rapid heart beat on a normal dog...poor Magic's heart sounded like a faucet running...no beating...just a wide open valve...
anyway...they are expensive...good luck with Parker...I'm sure you guys are best firends...