Forum Database Move (1 Viewer)

Peter Reuss

2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
Sometime in the next couple days we are having the database for this forum moved to a new server. They have to back it up and then move it over.

There is a slight chance that if someone posts immediately after the database is backed up the posts may be lost as that backup it is reinstalled on the new server.

If we have a chance to give you a window as to when it might happen we'll definitely do that. I'm not sure if we will have more specifics than that.

Thought you'd like to know (in case something seems wonky)...

There are issues with all the photos hosted in the forum (attachments, albums, etc). It may be tomorrow morning before it's all sorted out.
I'm still working with my web host to get the whole folder of attachments moved. Not sure why it's taking so long...
You may have noticed the forum is coming and going. We're getting something added on the back end to stop that.

Once it's installed they will reboot the server and we'll be good to go.

don't know what your progress is currently...

but an update on my end...

it's 8:45 PM Central...

and I couldn't upload pics to the JJD thread...

"The Hairy Ones"...
The only photos that will show are photos hosted by remote servers like photobucket.
that may be my problem...

I'm using the Treefrog software to upload them...

and it's not working...


all of my photo albums are currently empty of pics...
I just touched base with my developer...he's working as we speak to connect to the attachment folder.

If all goes well it should be soon. Hope there aren't any gremlins hiding in here...
Gremlin #1 (and #2) slayed!

Most of the images seem to be back. We know that some are missing...I'll look into that tomorrow.

There is a slight chance that attachments added between now and early tomorrow might get lost (I may need to reimport my images folder to track down the lost ones).

All my album pictures have disappeared



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