Found a new picture of Paragon's Alamo Mexicans (1 Viewer)

Those look great! I can't wait to add them to my Mexican army!

I had a chance to talk to Gene at Chicago and he did say he plans on doing a second set of Mexicans and possibly a second set of Defenders!
I like the detail of the empty sword socket on the bayonet belt. Also the figure's heads and hair look more ethnic and 1830's than other brands.
Isn't that an old photo.

Up until now there was a photo of only one pose. This is new.

These look like the original Disney Alamo figures. Especially the height of the helmets. When I talked to Gene at OTSN he mentioned that he was going to design his Mexican figures that way. He was even considering adding back packs to some of the figures. Glad he decided against the back packs.
I see that the next Paragon CW troops have the lame kneeling on two knees pose. AIP and Conte made some of their figures doing that. One is OK but more than one looks like a unit of knee walking turkeys.
Belt buckles look like Cowboy buckles as well. I'll get a bag because of the OK firing poses.
I am looking forward to the Mexican troops.
Maybe change the shoulder wings for that 1960's Hollywood look!

As far as ACW shooting guys go not really sure I need anymore.......Marching would be better!

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