FOV deuce and a half and the Elefant.... (1 Viewer)

Basically I "measured up" using the Tamiya 1/48th CCKW. The math was easier for my small brain doing "150% times x" instead of going with the approximately the 110% by using the 1/35th kit. Both 1/32nd and 1/48th use English measurements (3/8" to the foot and 1/4" to the foot, respectively). Anyway I used Evergreen styrene strips. I built the sides and ACC'd them in place. The troop benches are already in the kit (but mine needed straightening). The stowage is adapted from some of my 1/35th stock, the spares box, or scratchbuilt (the ammo crates). The ration box is the Hudson and Allen 1/35th item that I photocopied at 110% to make it closer to 1/32nd (go to Kinkos - they have a "cardboard" colored paper to copy them on). The jerrycans are the old 1/32nd Squadron offerings.

My other CCKW is closer to stock. I made it up as a cargo truck. I cut out the winch (just to have a difference) and piled a bunch of boxes and such in the rear where they will show.

I've been watching for "cheap" trucks (the Target release) for possible future projects.

Did you just use a dremel to cut/remove the canvas covering? That's my biggest question. The way it's attached makes me weary of cutting it off & accidentally FUBARing the whole thing. What I don't get is why Target only got the Elefant & Deuce once right before Christmas. I see the Abrams, Bradly, Paladin, & Stryker at Target all the time, but never the other two ( I actually got two of the Elefants on Clearance for ~$14). You can see some pics of what I did to one of them on the "interest in custom FOV" thread. Was that a one shot deal for those two at target? any ideas?
The canvas top is glued in place. I was able to "pop" mine free with a bit of pressure and the edge of the #17 chisel blade. There were a few glue spots/scars that had to be addressed, but small dab of filler and a sanding stick can cover a lot of sins. I actually removed both vehicles tops, it was much easier to add cargo to the other truck with it off, I just glued it back in place - the trick there was that the fit isn't the greatest so be careful of having the top sit where you want it before gluing (assuming you want it back on). The top on the FoV 6X6 is attached at the top of the bed. There are no upper side panel panels or top bows, they are suggested by being molded into the canvas top.

Apparently the Elefant and truck were brief "flings" by Target right before Christmas. In the same time period some Targets had a few figures and 1/32 planes from 21C. Only a few stores had these items (I found 21C artillerymen in ONE store in Omaha and our Target in Lincoln had a couple Elefants). Now we have the Bravo Team stuff (and not in great numbers!). The Stryker would be an interesting rebuild/detailing project if I wasn't so far behind on other "toy" projects and the plastic military models.

That's great to know. I could kick myself for not grabbing the one Deuce I saw at target. I'd feel alot better messing around with the action series 1st than diving right into the Enthusiest version. Much easier to forgive oneself for screwing up a $20 truck than a $50 one, chuckle. Speaking of 21stC, are they just fading away or what? Since the Marders were released they've just vanished. Nothing in walmart, Toys R Us, nothing!!! No news of new releases out there? I hope they're not fading away! I see alot of the Bravo team stuff down here in Florida. A lot of the 1/18th stuff & the new modern 1/32 figs. I hope they do some new WWII figs like these. the scale & detail seems much more crisp on these new 1/32 figs. Thanks for the tips, they'll be put to good use. The Stryker is so-so. With some TLC & re-working it'd look pretty good, but looks more "toyish" in the box.
Unfortunately the news for 21st Century Toys does not look promising. They have always played their cards close to the chest, but reports point to them fading out. Too bad, they did some decent stuff in 1/32 (mostly mastered from Tamiya 1/35th kits) and their prices were usually cheap. There is still some product out there if you look around, especially for those of us who can paint our own. A few items can be found at deep discount, others are still full price. I have tried to watch for some of the basic chassis for conversions and for parts.

I understand your retiscence to cut up $50 trucks. I had to take a deep breath before doing it, especially carving up that cab. I could build a rear bed if I really had to, but a cab probably wouldn't come out right.

I hope that isn't the case with 21st Century. It'll really be a shame if they do fade away. After the Marder releases I really thought there'd be a flood of totally new vehicles on the market. Guess we'll see. I'll be taking more than a few deep breaths before desecrating an Enthusiest version from FOV, laugh. but It needs to be done to really make the truck usefull in my opinion. Glad I stumbled onto this site & thread. It's **** helpfull. Thanks.

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