French cavalry charge on allied squares (3 Viewers)



Excellent photography and arrangements. You really convey a sense of the action with these shots. Very well done mate.
Excellent photography Octavian, I liked very much the second one (start from the bottom) from the first sequence.

Great set ups there Octavian. Really well done. Did the Lancers charge the squares at Waterloo or is it Quatre Bras you are depicting?
Great set ups there Octavian. Really well done. Did the Lancers charge the squares at Waterloo or is it Quatre Bras you are depicting?

Thanks Damian,
To the best of my knowledge, and I may stand corrected, the Red Lancers were part of a 5000 strong force comprising of heavy and light cavalry ordered by Ney to charge "retreating" allied positions, including the squares. So unless I may have got it terribly wrong, I am depicting Waterloo indeed :)

Best Regards
That is good to know. I am hoping to add some Lancers to my collection one of these days and was wondering whether I could use them for Waterloo.
Most of the paintings of the French assault on the squares seems to show Curassiers. I presume though that the heavy cavalry included Dragoons and Carabineers.
Hi Octavian love the dio especially the highlander getting clobered by the cuirassier excellently staged :)
Another great batch of photos Octavian nice camera work featuring your figures..........The Lt.
Greetings my fellow enthusiasts and comrades in the wonderful world of toy soldiers and historical banter. Hope all is well and everyone is enjoying the hobby and staying positive regardless of any economic down turn, and the recent bushfire disasters here in OZ.

With the recent arrivals of the K&C Lancers and the acquisition of some sought after Dragoons, it was time to expand the diorama with another board to fit the exisiting French cavalry charge.

Here are some new photos which I hope you will enjoy. Best Regards.









And for something a little different, here are some edited pics, as a poor attempt of mine, to hopefully, capture some level of realism...LOL



Both the diorama and the photography are top notch!! Excellent work!!:cool::cool::cool:

As Louis said, everything is perfect, like very much the close ups...

Good to see people is very busy lately, a lot of dioramas, different eras, styles.....ONE WORD...SUPERBE.

I have to move my..$#?%$#$$..and create something....:D
Beautiful work Octavian; top notch stuff for sure, it looks great. Really like your groundwork.........
Once again Octavian another very nicely done presentation both of poses and the way they were photograph along with a very nice attempt at your edited photos giving them a nice touch of realism being added to them....The Lt.

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