Congratulations Alex. That must feel good. Even though I have several already, I was pleased to get the last NAP0096 in North America today.OMG !
I have received NAP0083 last week ; must have been the last one !!!!!
And no I can't trade/sell it ! It will follow me in my coffin ... with a picture of my wife and my daughter of course
Understood; you may consider picking up some fighting redcoats nonetheless for two reasons. First, they could join the sure to be released Rifles to make up a "Sharpe's Company"; second, they could also make up a combined British / Scots company with the Scots and third, they are the only English foot we are likely to see for a while.
Good suggestions, Bill.
Will think about it.
Many thanks.
Please keep us posted , I would love to hear what you think when you buy your first First Legion figure. For most of us its a pretty big moment and changes our collecting habits for good ... All the best Gebhard
Sure... and I look forward to have some productive discussions with you and the rest here.
I might have missed the earlier posts... how does it change your collecting habits? Would be most helpful for my conisderation in approaching it.
For myself, I have mostly K&C - Naps & Crusades, due to their availablity and I have been reasonably pleased with my purchases. I understand that some of the forumners here have gone on to solely FL Naps, for valid reasons. I am at a crossroads of sorts - whether to have several manufacturers or go solely with one, as FL may soon become available through a local channel.
I display my figures mostly on the shelf currently. No offence meant to pure-FL collectors and to FL, I am entertaining thoughts of displaying K&C with FL - for example, K&C cavalry (eg.Curaissers 7e regiment, which I like) vs some FL infantry, or FL cavalry vs K&C infantry - just a thought, but I will have to see them in the flesh first before proceeding further.
If I may add, some FL cavalry already look good on their own - eg. BLG or the Russian Hussars lining up in a row.
Comments from all most welcome.
To me FL and K&C are very different, I wouldn't display them together. In fact I do have a nice small K&C Nap display, great figures, but FL figures go somewhere else. In my view it's close to comparing K&C and Aeroart. Take a look at this thread ( in case you find it useful (some comparison photos, there are others around this forum I think). ...,
I'm a new collector of FL and of Naps but not of toy soldiers (K&C, Britains, Jenkins, etc.) When we have friends over, one of the first questions to me is always "Anything new in your 'room'. When they saw the FL Naps, the consensus was "the others look like toy soldiers, these look like living, breathing people just a hell of a lot smaller". And now I am on a quest.......
....FL figures have changed completely what I collect : I don't buy any K&C figures anymore and this, you will be able to understand it fully, when you'll get your first order of FL figures.
I'm a new collector of FL and of Naps but not of toy soldiers (K&C, Britains, Jenkins, etc.) When we have friends over, one of the first questions to me is always "Anything new in your 'room'. When they saw the FL Naps, the consensus was "the others look like toy soldiers, these look like living, breathing people just a hell of a lot smaller". And now I am on a quest.......
Yes they do; well said mate.I very much like your point: toy soldiers and something else. Nothing wrong with toy soldiers though but sometimes a man's gotta choose...
Hi guys,
To DCN1898,
I have 3 of those charging K&C red lancers. The red lancers are one of my favourite Naps cavalry - K&C got the jump on the competition by being first to market, though not necessary on quality as this remains to be seen. Do you have FL's General Colbert? Great looking horse there. FL's eventual rendition of the red lancers should be very interesting, going by Colbert's all-action stance.
No I don't have General Colbert. I have not collected the General Officers to this point. I will certainly buy a FL Red Lancer to replace the one that I have from K&C, although I am happy with what I have. I am really getting anxious for the next new release. Cavalry or Artillery would be awesome.
I hear that. I think our next cavalry will be French and if so, it would seem natural to finally see the Cuirassiers. Matt said here once that they needed to workout some of the support issues with those one leg poses and they have had some releases to do that with now.Hi guys,
To DCN1898,
I have 3 of those charging K&C red lancers. The red lancers are one of my favourite Naps cavalry - K&C got the jump on the competition by being first to market, though not necessary on quality as this remains to be seen. Do you have FL's General Colbert? Great looking horse there. FL's eventual rendition of the red lancers should be very interesting, going by Colbert's all-action stance.
No I don't have General Colbert. I have not collected the General Officers to this point. I will certainly buy a FL Red Lancer to replace the one that I have from K&C, although I am happy with what I have. I am really getting anxious for the next new release. Cavalry or Artillery would be awesome.