Frontline Glossy Figures (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
Apr 23, 2005
I don't know if there is a thread for glossy figures from Frontline but if not here are some
figures I just picked up (courtesy and a big thank you to Tom Dubel).

Officer and NCO of Mecklenberg Regiment. I believe this was part of the Parade Dress range.


Did you get those from the eBay auction? If you did, you sniped me! Augh! I submitted my bid with 20 seconds to go, and since no one else was watching the auction formally, I...figured, that I was the only one. And then with 2 seconds left, in came the winning bid! Oh, I was so disappointed! But congratulations, either way. I won an auction at the same time for the Frontline German town gate backdrop piece ($19.99, by the way, despite Frontline pieces advertised as as "more valuable now, now that Frontline is out of business") so there was a bright spot on that otherwise bleak day.

I never bought any of the sets from the Parade Dress series, when they were first out on the market. I've picked up the ones I have on the second-hand market since then. I have some of the Mecklenburg Regiment, as well as some of the Austrian Hoch-und-Deutschmeister, and I'm always on the lookout for more. They're all a little more toy-like in their style--the "Chinese" style--than my Guard Corps, Stadden, I/R or Rose figures, but they still fit in well in my "Kaiser's Army" collection. I still owe the gang a photo of my collection, I haven't forgotten.

If only Gerard had done cavalry figures in that series, too!


Yes, that was me, sorry. I'm sure it would probably mean more to you to have these, especially since you already have some Mecklenberg, so if you'd be interested in trading a couple of figures from your Kaiser's Army, please let me know.

Oh, thanks for offering, but no, that's the sport of it! You won fair and square. As we've mentioned in another thread, it's the thrill of the hunt. I'll find more. It's a funny story, too. Enjoy your find!

See I protect buyer confidentiality :) It is a small world when I saw it was the both of you!

I don't know if there is a thread for glossy figures from Frontline but if not here are some
figures I just picked up (courtesy and a big thank you to Tom Dubel).

Officer and NCO of Mecklenberg Regiment. I believe this was part of the Parade Dress range.

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Indeed it was part of the 1914 Parade Dress range. It is set P.D.O.5 German Grossherzolglich-Mecklenburg Regiment. I have a duplicate boxed set if you are interested. Better yet, I also have a duplicate, unboxed set P.D.S.5 Standard Party with an officer, flag bearer, and two NCOs. I'll attach a photo if you would like to see it.
Here is the 1914 Parade Dress German Grossherzolgich-Mecklenburg Regiment set P.D.S.5 Standard Party which includes the box which I forgot that I had. I also have duplicate expanded sets of the French Foreign Legion and Scots Guards from this range which I will be posting in the Classified For Sale section.


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I currently have in my collection sets on display from the 1914 Parade Dress range including the following units: P.D.1 American Marines, P.D.2 Austrian Hoch und Deutschmeister Regiment, P.D.4 French Foreign Legion, P.D.5 German Grossherzolglich-Mecklenburg Regiment, P.D.6 Russian Preobrashenski Regiment, P.D.7 British Scots Guards Regiment, P.D.8 British Irish Guards (P.D.8 was originally the British Cameronians), and P.D.12 British Black Watch Regiment.

The other 1914 Parade Dress infantry units were P.D.3 British Royal American Regiment, P.D.9 British King's Own Scottish Borderers, P.D.10 British Highland Light Infantry, and P.D.11 British Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. There was also one cavalry unit: P.D.C.6 Russian Cossacks. Each unit typically had five sets: P.D. Six Men Marching, P.D.S Standard Party, P.D.B Band with 11 pieces, P.D.O Officer and NCO, P.D.S.B Band and Color Party with 21 or 22 pieces. The Band and Color Party set did not include an officer, so you had to buy P.D.O separately. Also, the Scots Guards and the Scottish units (P.D.7 through P.D.12) had a sixth add-on set with four pipers. All the 1914 Parade Dress sets were made in 2003 (or so) according to the year stamped on the bottom of the bases of the sets that I have.

Photo 1: Multiple sets with 29 figures from P.D.2 the Austrian Hoch und Deutschmeister Regiment.

Photo 2: Multiple sets with 28 figures from P.D.7 the British Scots Guards Regiment.

Photo 3: Multiple sets with 19 figures from P.D.4 the French Foreign Legion.

Photo 4: Sets P.D.6 and P.D.S.6 with 10 figures from the Russian Preobrashenski Regiment.

Photo 5: Sets P.D.5 and P.D.S.5 with 10 figures from the German Grossherzolglich-Mecklenburg Regiment.


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The Standard Party now joins the Mecklenberg Officer and NCO.



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