Fubar,s new french grenadiers (1 Viewer)

I started to paint my french grenadiers but I wasn,t to happy with the smaller bases on the figures not being able to stand to good on uneven surfaces. You need a good flat surface for some of these figures to stand or they,ll topple over on you. Some of my conversions didn,t stand to well on the origanal bases so I bought some fender washers for $0.07 cents each and used some zap a gap glue and glued them to the washers and then built up the base with some milput 2 part putty and used a very small wire brush to add some texture to the bases and help them blend into the the origanal bases.
I plan to flock them after they are painted but they would look good unflocked also and this is a good sulution to figures that just don,t want to stand up! I,m sure this would work great on plastic figures also and would add a bit of wieght to the base also and they would stand up on just about any surface.
Here are a couple of pictures of the figures before and after. I,ll post more pictures when I finnaly get some paint on these guys.



Man, this guy is talented. Keep up the good work and may it be very profitable.

Thanks for the kind words guys, I just make the molds and spin them. My own sculpting is mediocre at best.Tim, sure has done some neat conversions and parts swapping !
Heres a pix of the only 8 I manages to get painted last summer.
The rest are collecting dust!
Fish will have a slew of them up all painted in not time!



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Wow Guys,

Really great work! I wish I could find the time to mold and paint like this! Cant wait to see them in action.

All the best

The detail really comes out well with acryllics. I am working on another one of them now. Of course he is glossy. Painting as a Light infantry Voltiguer.:cool:
I finnished painting 12 of the 40 grenadiers I got from Fubar. I had started painting all 40 at once but I decided to just focus on 12 and get those finnished first and then go back and do the rest 9 or 10 at a time. I like to paint when I,m in the mood and thats not that often.:p so it might be awhile before I finnish the rest and these guys still need a bit of fine tunning still also. I always see all kinds of spots I missed when I see them blown up in the photos. I knew they still needed touching up but I didn,t realize they needed that much.:p

Here are some photos of the first batch painted up!







I plan to flock them after they are painted but they would look good unflocked also and this is a good sulution to figures that just don,t want to stand up!

Please excuse what might seem to be a daft question, but I haven't heard the expression before. What does FLOCK mean as applied to miniature figurines?
Please excuse what might seem to be a daft question, but I haven't heard the expression before. What does FLOCK mean as applied to miniature figurines?

It just means glueing fake grass to the base of the figures. I just brush on some glue to the base of the figure with a cheap disposible paint brush being careful not to get any glue on the figures shoes and then just sprinkle on some of that fake hobby grass and maybe some twiggs and small rocks, dirt ect. This helps the figures blend in more natural into a diorama.
It just means glueing fake grass to the base of the figures. I just brush on some glue to the base of the figure with a cheap disposible paint brush being careful not to get any glue on the figures shoes and then just sprinkle on some of that fake hobby grass and maybe some twiggs and small rocks, dirt ect. This helps the figures blend in more natural into a diorama.

They look great Tim! I'm thrilled to see what you've done with them. Inspired too!
I think I'm done flocking around building the warroom.It's finished.Time to attack that pile of castings I have had set aside for myself.
I have my little squad deployed with the new Britains French. A little slimmer than theirs but still look great together.Thanks for posting the pix, they really do look splendid.
Happy New Year!


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Fubar be very careful once you start playing with your Zulu Warriors and the 24th Ft it could be that you may add to them by casting addition Zulus and Brit's needed to join the fight. Great figures Harold and nicely painted. Hope your enjoying the first day of the new year.......The Lt.
Fubar be very careful once you start playing with your Zulu Warriors and the 24th Ft it could be that you may add to them by casting addition Zulus and Brit's needed to join the fight. Great figures Harold and nicely painted. Hope your enjoying the first day of the new year.......The Lt.

I am kind of hoping that will happen too. But new molds are heading to my workshop. I am looking forward to seeing how they turn out.
Yes indeed, I have ZULU"S and Frenchies on the work bench . ZULUS ready to be painted, French getting converted and assembled.
Zulus primered BlackTime to start painting!
I finnaly got around to painting the rest of these guys minus a couple still on the table half painted and also have a few extras also including a couple more conversions.
These first 2 pictures are of a couple of new ones with new 2 part putty hands to turn them into marching figures. They also have a couple of little extras added. One has a drinking gourd made from 2 part putty and the other has some fire wood under his backpack, both are tighed on with chord I made from fine wire I spun in my drill to look like chord.







Nice pix Tim. I like the buildings too and also the way you torqued the Blackcat castings some to get new poses. I managed to get about 50 Grenadiers finished, Some fusiliers x 20 and aother 10 Grenadiers in greatcoats. Theres several ranks, assembled, primered and started on my painting table. Collecting dust!
Wargame tables cleared off. Stood around last nite for an hour pondering what to set up. Managed to drink 2 beers and pondering is all the further I got.
Theres some 1/2 finished masters { also collecting dust} of a few more French too.
Heres some pix of the new guys.


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Harold stop pondering and set up a large 1813 battlefield with lots of Ruskies and Prussians attacking some frenchies!:cool:
Problem solved, no more pondering.:p
Now to get back to painting all the prussians you sent me, only about a hundred or so of them!:eek:
I have most of them half painted already,then its time for my own battle of Lutzen, Drezden or Liepzig???
I have some britains,frontline,mullbury and plastics and castings I can add in to beef up the prussian/russian troops but no cavalry other then a few odd ball figures here and there.
should have plenty of french.
I,m sure you,ve got plenty of figures to throw together something huge? How about it Harold???:cool: The tables all cleared off!!!:rolleyes::)

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