Fury: The Review (1 Viewer)

Nov 18, 2012
Hi all,

This is my first King & Country (K&C) vehicle review of the 2016 US Armor, "Fury" (DD279). First, let me say that regardless of whether or not you are a Fury movie or Brad Pitt fan, K&C did a very nice job recreating this movie tank. Let's have a look at her:

14 by Western Outlaw, on Flickr
Dimensions: 8.5" x 4.5" or 10.5" x 4.5" from 2 additional inches of barrel length. Total barrel length is 4.5".

02 by Western Outlaw, on Flickr
Turret top looks great with two machine guns (although the larger machine gun is unable to rest on the forward bracket). As with all K&C vehicles, hatches are sealed. One open hatch provides a place for the half soldier included with the set. I find that he doesn't rest flush in the opening due to the position of his arms.

03 by Western Outlaw, on Flickr
I love the front of the tank with the grey German helmet and ammo/provision crate.

04 by Western Outlaw, on Flickr
The rear is equally nice but I would have loved for K&C to have the provisions not set into place. Would have afforded the opportunity to use in other dios and provide additional space for tank riders in different scenes.

06 by Western Outlaw, on Flickr
K&C's signature trade mark, the embossed gold seal, "Easy Eight Sherman".

09 by Western Outlaw, on Flickr
When I first saw the logs on the sides of Fury from K&C's official release pictures, I thought, "how cool". They're one of my favorite aspects/details of the tank!

10 by Western Outlaw, on Flickr
The turret has a 4.5" barrel with the word "Fury" printed on both sides of the barrel. I want to point out that after placing the turret assembly on the base of my tank, the barrel was at a slight downward angle. I'm not sure if this is a design flaw or intentional. I placed a small section of a round wooden toothpick under the barrel bracket which easily fixed the downward angle. I am curious to see if any of you encounter the same issue.

11 by Western Outlaw, on Flickr
These embossed numbers add a wonderful touch of detailing.

12 by Western Outlaw, on Flickr
The removable components; K&C's standard antenna and two machine guns.

13 by Western Outlaw, on Flickr
A half soldier with binoculars is the one figure included with Fury. He looks good but nothing new or creative here.

So how does she score?

Rating (5-point scale for each category; 50 points total)
Assembly/Components: 4/5; two removable and rotating machine guns; removable turret section (-1 for limp barrel and non-removable crates/provisions).
Color Scheme: 5/5; expected olive green with a wash of black in various areas. Nice blend of tan added for weathering.
Paint Quality: 5/5; consistent and detailed paint; all components free of over painting. No awkward of visible paint defects.
Design/Mold: 5/5; heavy construction and an overall excellent design. Always appreciate the K&C face plate on the undercarriage.
Decals/Markings: 5/5; prominent "Fury" printed on both sides of the barrel, number on side rear section. No white stars but still looks great.
Detailing: 5/5; top notch! Lots of extras including logs, german helmet, provisions, cables, and embossed numbering at turret base
Figures: 4/5; one "half soldier" with binoculars. Has somewhat of an awkward lean that does not rest flush in turret (-1 for creativity, position, and only one figure).
Playability: 4.5/5; a few of you have said that all open hatches or lifting hatches would add to the quality. (-.5 for only one open hatch and non-opening hatches).
Price: 4.5/5; very subjective on this one; but I would like around a $200 price tag with only one half soldier included (-.5 for $219 price tag).
Display/Eye Appeal: 5/5; Fury has a wonderful "curb appeal" on the battlefront. She looks heavy, aggresive, and ready to kick some Natzi butt!

Total Score: 47/50 or 94%.


K&C's Fury is a "must have" for any US D-Day collector. Nevermind the movie which I thought was just okay, but K&C's version has a great design, heavy quality weight, splendid detailing, and a piece that makes a great addition to a diorama, or for stand alone on a bookshelf or curio cabinet. Yesterday afternoon, I broke out a large "play mat" and had to set up Fury with some US troops invading a heavily protected German bunker. My favorite piece on the mat was (you guessed it) Fury. Right now I have her resting on my coffee table contemplating my next scene for another photo shoot. I don't think any of you will be disappointed if you decide to add Fury to your D-Day collection. She's a real beauty!

See her in action:
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Great photos and a nice detailed review. Probably the best M4 K&C has done to date. Could you provide a measurement of the height of the tank to the deck and to the top of the turret? Using your width measurment of 4.5 inches divided into the width of a full size M4A3E8 of 103 inches the scale is 1/23. Rather large but it would work well with the oversize TCS Tiger I or perhaps K&C is planning a new 1/23 scale Tiger I. That would be nice!
A Frontal photo of the Tank from the film and the K&C release.........



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Thanks for the great photo. K&C certainly did a great job duplicating the original!
Could you provide a measurement of the height of the tank to the deck and to the top of the turret? Using your width measurment of 4.5 inches divided into the width of a full size M4A3E8 of 103 inches the scale is 1/23. Rather large but it would work well with the oversize TCS Tiger I or perhaps K&C is planning a new 1/23 scale Tiger I.

It's 2 3/4" high (to deck) and 4" to the top of the turret.

A Frontal photo of the Tank from the film and the K&C release

K&C did a nice job. A few additional shots:

01 by Western Outlaw, on Flickr

07 by Western Outlaw, on Flickr

05 by Western Outlaw, on Flickr

08 by Western Outlaw, on Flickr
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Excellent photos. Great details on the M4! Thank you for the additional dimensions. The M4A3E8 is 118 inches wide and 297 inches long. The model is 4.5 inches wide and 10.5 inches long. The scale is 1/26th in width and 1/28th in length; allowing for error factors call it 1/27 scale in round numbers! K&C has made a very large M4 in the same 1/27 scale that TCS has adopted to better match 65-68mm figure size. Very interesting! I wonder if a 1/27 scale Tiger I is coming soon.
Excellent photos. Great details on the M4! Thank you for the additional dimensions. The M4A3E8 is 118 inches wide and 297 inches long. The model is 4.5 inches wide and 10.5 inches long. The scale is 1/26th in width and 1/28th in length; allowing for error factors call it 1/27 scale in round numbers! K&C has made a very large M4 in the same 1/27 scale that TCS has adopted to better match 65-68mm figure size. Very interesting! I wonder if a 1/27 scale Tiger I is coming soon.

1/27 scale ? wow

The new tanker figure sets are much smaller height than the deck of the Fury M4A3E8. Either the tank is larger scale or the figures are smaller. I ran the numbers kindly provided by Western Outlaw and the scale comes out at 1/27 averaging the length and width. The figures are perfectly scaled to the M4 unlike previous examples, where figures heads are above a 74 inch high deck. Very realistic! I initially used generic M4 dimensions which resulted in to large a scale. The current calculations are based on specific M4A3E8 dimensions.
Hi Guys,
Many thanks to “Western Outlaw” for a very fair and balanced review of our newFURY” Easy-Eight.
This kind of review is always helpful and useful and I appreciate the time and effort he put into it.
The new “tanker” 2-man sets may appear smaller as “Katana” says however I would suggest that is because they stand on their own two feet without bases – obviously that would make them taller.
Once again thanks to all concerned and the many appreciative comments both here and in private emails.
Best wishes and happy collecting!
Figures smaller than the deck is more realistic and a very good thing. I think the new M4A3E8 is the best example done in polystone to date. Better even than the Diecast Metal Franklin Mint version; which has working tracks and suspension. I hope K&C follows up with a Tiger I in the same scale. Good job K&C!
Hi Guys, hi “Katana”,
Apologies I don’t know your actual name…!
However re your hope for a new K&C Tiger… Sorry, no plans at this time. As you may know, over the years K&C has produced over a dozen different Tigers (and almost as many various Shermans) so we want to concentrate this year 2016 on other armour (including some we have never done).
With apologies and best wishes,
I am Eager to pick up this Fury Sherman myself. As mentioned earlier about lack of Turret markings, the actual Fury tank does not show any, as the sides are covered by strap on Cargo.
Now to pick up a Dozen of the dead German figures to place around it !

Hi Guys, hi “Katana”,
Apologies I don’t know your actual name…!
However re your hope for a new K&C Tiger… Sorry, no plans at this time. As you may know, over the years K&C has produced over a dozen different Tigers (and almost as many various Shermans) so we want to concentrate this year 2016 on other armour (including some we have never done).
With apologies and best wishes,

A Comet would be very much appreciated!
The K&C tracks are perfect ^&grin^&grin

Western Outlaw; what camera are you using for your excellent photographs? The detail is superb even showing the texture of the cast armor turret. The detail on this K&C M4 is as good or better than 1/24 and 1/16 models.
Western Outlaw; what camera are you using for your excellent photographs? The detail is superb even showing the texture of the cast armor turret.
Hi Katana,

I have a small Sony Cyber-shot that I've had for a few years (2nd one in fact; I dropped the first one and damaged it). I've always been a fan of Sony cameras. Easy to use and nice quality images.

In regard to these review images, they could have been a lot better. I shot in VGA/small on an overcast morning (poor lighting in the room). I think my regular diorama pictures are a lot better, but thanks.

Fury (1) by Western Outlaw, on Flickr

M36 Jackson Tank Destroyer (3) by Western Outlaw, on Flickr
The Sony cameras use Zeiss designed lenses; which are superior to all but the Leica designed lenses used in Panasonic cameras. The Zeiss glass and coating technology is the best their is.
The images are higher resolution, sharper and the color is more vivid! Sony image sensors are also very good. The back drop on your diorama is very realistic!
Excuse my humor on this one but I could not resist!

My dog's name is Fury - name inspiration not from the tank - but in comparison I like my model better ^&grin
And he has been in the family for 10 years, way before I knew this hobby existed!!

He is checking out the tank below.....
Fury-Fury (1).jpg

Not sure he was impressed as it did not squeak ^&confuse

Just some Wednesday laughs to share!!

Guess I'm dating myself {eek3} but wasn't there a tv show by that name starring a horse. No, not Mr. Ed!
Guess I'm dating myself {eek3} but wasn't there a tv show by that name starring a horse. No, not Mr. Ed!
Yes, there was. Was a mid-50's era show. Think it starred Peter Graves, and the horse. Used to watch it. I think it ran on Saturdays, but I wouldn't swear to it. -- Al

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