Future Discontinuing of Market Garden Series (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
Earlier this year Andy did speak about the discontinuing of this range which resulted in protest from collectors of this range on the forum and maybe in other places. Anyway shortly after this Andy announced his plans for more figures for this series.

During the spring new releases were produced for this range and the 'P' range was introduced. This range was spearheaded by the Market Garden British paras which were so sought after.

Collectors of this range have dealt with the cost and explanation s from Andy and an understanding was found with a large number of collectors who continue to buy and look forward to more releases from this range despite the price increases.

We know that at least one more release of paras will be produced as Andy has mentioned a figure of Frost is on its way. However there is a possibility that this may be the final release for this range which will be a sad thing for collectors of this range (myself included).

With this in mind I had an idea which may be far fetched and yes I am young and naive and it may seem stupid to some but what if for the final wave of Market Garden releases Andy gave collectors the choice of releases. It must be a popular range if Andy made so many figures for release since the announcement of the discontinuing of the range.

Market Garden collectors have had to put up with their range being the pilot of a new increased detail/price range which were the cause of much controversy and debate and I believe that allowing these same collectors the choice of putting ideas forward to Andy himself would be a good way of honouring the faithfulness of collectors.

Any other collectors think this would be a good idea? If it was the collectors on here which resulted in Andy planning 20+ more releases for this range then maybe it is those same collectors who have a say in the final release whenever that release in scheduled for.

Earlier this year Andy did speak about the discontinuing of this range which resulted in protest from collectors of this range on the forum and maybe in other places. Anyway shortly after this Andy announced his plans for more figures for this series.

During the spring new releases were produced for this range and the 'P' range was introduced. This range was spearheaded by the Market Garden British paras which were so sought after.

Collectors of this range have dealt with the cost and explanation s from Andy and an understanding was found with a large number of collectors who continue to buy and look forward to more releases from this range despite the price increases.

We know that at least one more release of paras will be produced as Andy has mentioned a figure of Frost is on its way. However there is a possibility that this may be the final release for this range which will be a sad thing for collectors of this range (myself included).

With this in mind I had an idea which may be far fetched and yes I am young and naive and it may seem stupid to some but what if for the final wave of Market Garden releases Andy gave collectors the choice of releases. It must be a popular range if Andy made so many figures for release since the announcement of the discontinuing of the range.

Market Garden collectors have had to put up with their range being the pilot of a new increased detail/price range which were the cause of much controversy and debate and I believe that allowing these same collectors the choice of putting ideas forward to Andy himself would be a good way of honouring the faithfulness of collectors.

Any other collectors think this would be a good idea? If it was the collectors on here which resulted in Andy planning 20+ more releases for this range then maybe it is those same collectors who have a say in the final release whenever that release in scheduled for.


Interesting idea but in my experience - nothing to do with TS though - is that once you formally ask a great many people their opinion (particualrly an open ended 'what would you like') you generally fail to get a clear majority. Better to speak informally with collectors to get a sense of what people are after and move from there. Think of an election with 30 political parties. It is chaos. In my experience - once again in a different context - once people are asked formally for a view they develop unreasonable expectations about having those views acted upon. People who miss out end up complaining that the decision had already been made, that it was a charade, that some people had more say... In addition, at some level it could become a 'we want better quality, more varied releases, slower/faster release times', and, of course, all that delivered at a cheaper price. I would be more in favour of the offering of distinct choices but then again, who wants to give a competitor a six month preview of your plans? This won't happen in any case, but it is an interesting discussion. Yet in a perfect world, when you vote for a choice you should have to hand over your credit card details or else you are waiting to see the release first as you would do in any case.

Your suggestion is premised on your belief that Andy will discontinue the range. However, to my knowledge, there is nothing to suggest that to be the case. The range will continue as long as sales justify its continuation.

In addition, if the range were to be discontinued for poor sales performance, it would hardly make economic sense to issue a large last group of releases.

With respect to giving Andy product suggestions, one can always do that privately via email or pm or by starting a thread on the Forum.

Interesting idea but in my experience - nothing to do with TS though - is that once you formally ask a great many people their opinion (particualrly an open ended 'what would you like') you generally fail to get a clear majority. Better to speak informally with collectors to get a sense of what people are after and move from there. Think of an election with 30 political parties. It is chaos. In my experience - once again in a different context - once people are asked formally for a view they develop unreasonable expectations about having those views acted upon. People who miss out end up complaining that the decision had already been made, that it was a charade, that some people had more say... In addition, at some level it could become a 'we want better quality, more varied releases, slower/faster release times', and, of course, all that delivered at a cheaper price. I would be more in favour of the offering of distinct choices but then again, who wants to give a competitor a six month preview of your plans? This won't happen in any case, but it is an interesting discussion. Yet in a perfect world, when you vote for a choice you should have to hand over your credit card details or else you are waiting to see the release first as you would do in any case.

There are only so many different things left for the range from a sceptics point of view. If it were me I'd have thousands of ideas but from a general view there may only be so many ideas.


Sadly it will never happen IMO I think the whole commotion we made about the discontinuation of the MG range meant that a poor selling range (well, we were constantly told by a dealer just how poor it was!!) meant that we were given a good old boot in the pocket for asking for more. Even Oliver was not savaged as much!!!

I think we all gave a plethora of suggestions when they discontinued the range and a good few have been made so, in a way Kn&C listened to these suggestions. Not sure I see it giving an advantage to the ''competitors'' as when any brief glance at this hobby shows when one manufacturer makes something everyone else does shortly after so, its a misnomer to think there is insider secrets desperately being kept!! SdKfz 222, Tiger I (in a long list) just as proof.

We know we will get Frost and Andy has just mentioned a AFV of some sort the only thing I would like to see after Frost is para's on the portable bikes. Many things I would like to see but after that and or Frost they can give the heave ho to the range if they feel like it I won't be openly complaining. Once bitten twice shy
Hi Guys, hi Scott,

Many thanks for bringing this up…let me put your mind at ease – King & Country has no intention of discontinuing this revised and revived series after the next release. After all it’s not that long since we just reintroduced it!

Also, contrary to what you might think, the “Pathfinder” approach has been very well received and enjoys extremely healthy sales…So why would we discontinue it?

As for your interesting suggestion that we should allow collectors to put forward their own ideas for inclusion –We already do that. Thanks to the internet and personal meetings with dealers and collectors throughout the year and across several continents I would modestly suggest that I already have a wealth of terrific ideas, proposals and suggestions on what to do next…not just for ARNHEM but for virtually every other range or series King & Country presently produces. Believe it or not I’ve even got a few ideas of my own!

From virtually day one of our company’s existence we have reached out to our collectors and other enthusiasts to help us produce what we produce.

Every suggestion, idea and proposal is given fair consideration. Some are interesting but not practical or cost-effective…others maybe off-the-wall and impossible…BUT there are more than a few gems that are absolutely brilliant and get the “green-light” straight away or perhaps at some more suitable time later. The sometimes difficult task is deciding which is which! That’s where, hopefully, experience and practical knowledge come into play.

As for Scott’s concern that “there are only so many different things left for the range from a sceptics point-of-view”.

Well, my friend I am not, nor ever have been, a “sceptic”. My problem, because I love what I do, is having “not-enough ideas”… It’s sometimes having too many-from both collectors and myself!!!

Fear not, I say, “Market Garden” is far from finished and will be in the King & Country catalogue for a long time. After all, in one form or another, it’s been around since 1995.

Best personal wishes and have yourself a very Merry Little Christmas.

Andy C.​
Outstanding........ Glad to hear Market Garden is here to stay. There really is a lot more ground to cover with this series.
King & Country has no intention of discontinuing this revised and revived series after the next release. After all it’s not that long since we just reintroduced it!

That's really good news afterall OMG is by far my favourite series. :cool:

Also, contrary to what you might think, the “Pathfinder” approach has been very well received and enjoys extremely healthy sales…So why would we discontinue it?

This news is a little surprising given the sentiment I've seen on the forum but if its true I'm a little disappointed in collectors because your buying into this means likely price increases to other lines....a dangerous escalation in my view. Afterall it can easily be argued that Napoleonics, Crusaders, and other camoflaged WWII items require more expensive painting/detailing. While the "P" figures are great looking the price increase has put me firmly on the sidelines and I guess I'm still not over my bitterness on my favourite line being "P'd" on. To me it seems like gouging and I can't get over it.....yet.....but my resolve to not buy them on principle is melting when I see some of the great poses. :redface2:

Fear not, I say, “Market Garden” is far from finished and will be in the King & Country catalogue for a long time. After all, in one form or another, it’s been around since 1995.

I am hopeful from this statement that perhaps OMG will have "normal" releases going forward and not be exclusive to just those with deeper pockets.
Andy C.​

Hi Guys, hi CFM,

Good to hear “Market Garden” is one of your favorite series…mine too but, of course, I’m more than a wee bit biased!

Re “Sentiment on Forum” …It’s worth remembering that the Forum only represents a relatively small but vocal section of the hobby. Being fortunate enough to get to personally meet literally hundreds of collectors around the world I would venture to say that it’s only a few of them who are members or even read or know about this Forum or any other.

Having said that, as an avid reader and participant of this particular Forum I do read and listen to what most of the folks say and utilize its good services whenever I think they are helpful and constructive – which they are more often than not.

“Price rises…price gouging” …No price increase is ever welcome either by the collector…or the manufacturer. However, we do our level best to do the best we can and still move forward as a company that brings new product to the collector every single month, rain or shine.

Some will disagree with that last statement…others will appreciate what we do and how we do it. I’ve learned the old, old lesson that you can never please all of the people all of the time. I’ve also learned one more – there’s some folks you will never please at any time! C’est la vie…c’est la guerre.

Finally…for “Market Garden” most of the future releases will continue to be “Pathfinder” ones however when circumstances or subject matter dictate a more “regular” release such as the recent Bren Carrier and Pack Howitzer they will not have the “P” attached.

So, hope this info helps…many thanks CFM for your interest and…Best wishes and very Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Andy C.
Hi Guys, hi Scott,

Many thanks for bringing this up…let me put your mind at ease – King & Country has no intention of discontinuing this revised and revived series after the next release. After all it’s not that long since we just reintroduced it!

Also, contrary to what you might think, the “Pathfinder” approach has been very well received and enjoys extremely healthy sales…So why would we discontinue it?

As for your interesting suggestion that we should allow collectors to put forward their own ideas for inclusion –We already do that. Thanks to the internet and personal meetings with dealers and collectors throughout the year and across several continents I would modestly suggest that I already have a wealth of terrific ideas, proposals and suggestions on what to do next…not just for ARNHEM but for virtually every other range or series King & Country presently produces. Believe it or not I’ve even got a few ideas of my own!

From virtually day one of our company’s existence we have reached out to our collectors and other enthusiasts to help us produce what we produce.

Every suggestion, idea and proposal is given fair consideration. Some are interesting but not practical or cost-effective…others maybe off-the-wall and impossible…BUT there are more than a few gems that are absolutely brilliant and get the “green-light” straight away or perhaps at some more suitable time later. The sometimes difficult task is deciding which is which! That’s where, hopefully, experience and practical knowledge come into play.

As for Scott’s concern that “there are only so many different things left for the range from a sceptics point-of-view”.

Well, my friend I am not, nor ever have been, a “sceptic”. My problem, because I love what I do, is having “not-enough ideas”… It’s sometimes having too many-from both collectors and myself!!!

Fear not, I say, “Market Garden” is far from finished and will be in the King & Country catalogue for a long time. After all, in one form or another, it’s been around since 1995.

Best personal wishes and have yourself a very Merry Little Christmas.

Andy C.​

Well Andy my man if this is the case then the P range is fine by me as would be Q, R, S, or T as long as the paras are landing! ;)

Hi Guys, hi Scott,

Many thanks for bringing this up…let me put your mind at ease – King & Country has no intention of discontinuing this revised and revived series after the next release. After all it’s not that long since we just reintroduced it!

Also, contrary to what you might think, the “Pathfinder” approach has been very well received and enjoys extremely healthy sales…So why would we discontinue it?

As for your interesting suggestion that we should allow collectors to put forward their own ideas for inclusion –We already do that. Thanks to the internet and personal meetings with dealers and collectors throughout the year and across several continents I would modestly suggest that I already have a wealth of terrific ideas, proposals and suggestions on what to do next…not just for ARNHEM but for virtually every other range or series King & Country presently produces. Believe it or not I’ve even got a few ideas of my own!

From virtually day one of our company’s existence we have reached out to our collectors and other enthusiasts to help us produce what we produce.

Every suggestion, idea and proposal is given fair consideration. Some are interesting but not practical or cost-effective…others maybe off-the-wall and impossible…BUT there are more than a few gems that are absolutely brilliant and get the “green-light” straight away or perhaps at some more suitable time later. The sometimes difficult task is deciding which is which! That’s where, hopefully, experience and practical knowledge come into play.

As for Scott’s concern that “there are only so many different things left for the range from a sceptics point-of-view”.

Well, my friend I am not, nor ever have been, a “sceptic”. My problem, because I love what I do, is having “not-enough ideas”… It’s sometimes having too many-from both collectors and myself!!!

Fear not, I say, “Market Garden” is far from finished and will be in the King & Country catalogue for a long time. After all, in one form or another, it’s been around since 1995.

Best personal wishes and have yourself a very Merry Little Christmas.

Andy C.​

Great to hear this Andy, very glad that the Arnhem range will go on, somewhere Capitalron is very upset!^&grin

Thanks for posting
Hi Guys, hi Scott,

Many thanks for bringing this up…let me put your mind at ease – King & Country has no intention of discontinuing this revised and revived series after the next release. After all it’s not that long since we just reintroduced it!

As for Scott’s concern that “there are only so many different things left for the range from a sceptics point-of-view”.

Well, my friend I am not, nor ever have been, a “sceptic”. My problem, because I love what I do, is having “not-enough ideas”… It’s sometimes having too many-from both collectors and myself!!!

Fear not, I say, “Market Garden” is far from finished and will be in the King & Country catalogue for a long time. After all, in one form or another, it’s been around since 1995.

Andy C.

And now that we are in to plastic resins, can an Arnhem glider with opening front be far away. :wink2::smile2:


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