Future Market Garden Sets (2 Viewers)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
Now that we're so close to Arnhem, I mean Market Garden:D, my mind has been going crazy thinking about what sets we could be seeing in 2008:D:D

Since it's 'Operation Market Garden', and not Arnhem, I think we can be expecting diffrent nationalities, like American:D, and maybe some Polish:eek::eek::D

I would love some more British vehicles, Shermans, an ambulance jeep, some Dingo Scout Cars in the proper colours, and maybe Daimler Armoured cars, and Bren Gun Carriers:DOH OH OH, and some trucks with the boats used by the 82nd Airbourne to get to the other side of Nimejen Bridge:D:D
all of that would be good to see ,but how about some Germans.
all of that would be good to see ,but how about some Germans.

for market garden need the german sappers preparing to blow up the bridges
(they can also blow-up my burnside bridge :D) and maybe some destroyed german light armour (well they did pick off quite a few with the piat at arnhem)
Twisted charred black metal (in polystone of course:p) and more casualities of war SS panzergrenadiers and para's, and Urquart kicking the radio's around like a football in a fit of rage!
for market garden need the german sappers preparing to blow up the bridges
(they can also blow-up my burnside bridge :D) and maybe some destroyed german light armour (well they did pick off quite a few with the piat at arnhem)
Twisted charred black metal (in polystone of course:p) and more casualities of war SS panzergrenadiers and para's, and Urquart kicking the radio's around like a football in a fit of rage!

I thought andy said that there would be no actual specific Germans made for this range, that's why I avoided Germans, but I would like some ofcourse:D:D:D:D

Deffo Sappers:D, snipers, deffo some blown up german vehicles, and dead Germans:D:D
I would love to see remakes of the original Arnhem sets, including, General Horrocks, John Frost, and so on. The vehicle I'm really hoping for, is the armored car (used by Michael Caine) in A Bridge Too Far.
I would love to see remakes of the original Arnhem sets, including, General Horrocks, John Frost, and so on. The vehicle I'm really hoping for, is the armored car (used by Michael Caine) in A Bridge Too Far.

That would be cool,and having just got the Osprey book i now really want a firefly!.

I would love to see remakes of the original Arnhem sets, including, General Horrocks, John Frost, and so on. The vehicle I'm really hoping for, is the armoured car (used by Michael Caine) in A Bridge Too Far.

I would love the armoured car ,plus 3in mortar team , & two man flame thrower team
I would love the armoured car ,plus 3in mortar team , & two man flame thrower team

Maybe for an SL piece, there will be an Armoured car with the figure portrayed by Michael Caine in it:D:D:D

I would really love the lorries with boats though:D:D

And a German PAK 40.:D:D

And of course, a Halftrack:D:D
I just realized a can now get a staghound and have units to go with it.
I watched the documentary "Battlefields - Operation Market Garden" (its part of the BBC WWII DVD Collection) again this morning. The programme really brings home just how close the Allies came to pulling off the entire plan, how the war would have been shortened if they'd been successful, how many lives would have been saved, and how different post-war Europe might have been.

I watched the documentary "Battlefields - Operation Market Garden" (its part of the BBC WWII DVD Collection) again this morning. The programme really brings home just how close the Allies came to pulling off the entire plan, how the war would have been shortened if they'd been successful, how many lives would have been saved, and how different post-war Europe might have been.


love the french voice-over at the begining of "a bridge too far" and the final line ..The plan, like so many plans, in so many wars before it, was meant to end the fighting by christmas and bring the boys back home...

I'm no expert , but from what I read , the loss of allied troops in market garden led to replacements being drafted in from the ardennes , which left the weakened line for the germans to exploit in the BOB

must look up the documentary , sounds great, BBC always do that stuff really well
love the french voice-over at the begining of "a bridge too far" and the final line ..The plan, like so many plans, in so many wars before it, was meant to end the fighting by christmas and bring the boys back home...

I'm no expert , but from what I read , the loss of allied troops in market garden led to replacements being drafted in from the ardennes , which left the weakened line for the germans to exploit in the BOB

must look up the documentary , sounds great, BBC always do that stuff really well

That wasn't French mate, it was Dutch - actually it was Liv Ullman. :D
I just realized a can now get a staghound and have units to go with it.

Just be aware that the Staghound by K&C is in the markings of 12th Manitoba Dragoons, a Canadian Unit, that was not part of Market Garden. ;) Indeed I really hope to see a Canadian late war commonwealth figure set or two in the future to complement the Staghound and give me a reason to finally get one.
Just be aware that the Staghound by K&C is in the markings of 12th Manitoba Dragoons, a Canadian Unit, that was not part of Market Garden. ;) Indeed I really hope to see a Canadian late war commonwealth figure set or two in the future to complement the Staghound and give me a reason to finally get one.

thanks for ruining it:mad:, just kidding thanks cs

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