Gandamak 1842 : The retreat from Kabul (1 Viewer)

Yes I would like this range too but only if the had the variety of figures like this dio has.
If any of the major toy soldier producers are looking at this I hope it inspires them to produce a new range covering this and other engagements of this conflict.
I know John Jenkins has been mentioned and I concur with that suggestion. I would say WB would also be perfect.

Cold Steel is apparently planning an Indian range.
Me again!

If anybody is interested in this conflict, I can recommend two good books:

'Signal Catastrophe' by Patrick Macrory and 'Return of a King, The Battle For Afghanistan' by William Dalrymple.

I picked up a copy of The Fierce Pawns (Signal Catastrophe) to read when I was a teenager. I was attracted by the dust jacket illustration (Last Stand of the 44th). I had never heard of the campaign until I read the book and it was actually one of the first two British 19th century campaigns I ever read about, the AZW being the other. I was fascinated by it. -- Al

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