Gas Vs. K&c (1 Viewer)


Oct 30, 2007
Hello All, Is This 4.00 Dollars A Gallon Gas Hurting Your K&c Collecting?? Or Just Cutting Back On Travels And Other Things To Keep Up With The New Stuff K&c Has Released?? I Just Returned From Vacation, And We Spent As Much On The Rental Car With Gas Then We Did Our Plane Tickets Ha!! Sammy
Hello All, Is This 4.00 Dollars A Gallon Gas Hurting Your K&c Collecting?? Or Just Cutting Back On Travels And Other Things To Keep Up With The New Stuff K&c Has Released?? I Just Returned From Vacation, And We Spent As Much On The Rental Car With Gas Then We Did Our Plane Tickets Ha!! Sammy

$4 a gallon?
Try £6 ($12 ish) a gallon in the UK :eek:
Right now we are 1.35 lt.Now I think there is 4Lt to the gal.So that makes about 5.40 a gal,here in Halifax.
$12.00 or $5.00 or $4.25 per gallon only kicks the crap out of you if you drive a long way to work. I drive 50 miles per day, so even $4.25 hurts me to the tune of almost $300.00 per month. There is no mass transit on Long Island, so you must drive as opposed to taking a bus, subway or bike. In general, Europe has small countries with a mass transit system that is fantastic, as compared to what we have here in the USA. Thank goodness I sold my gas guzzling Sport utility vehicle 4 years ago, and purchased a mid-size sedan that gets 28 miles/gallon. Regardless, this idiotic world and all the crooked politicians better wake up and look for alternatives, before we leave future genrations with nothing.
I feel that the whole spectrum of rising prices is going to hurt hobby purchases. I don't drive to work being retired but I like to head up north like this weekend for five days and the gas, meals and other expenses like motels will take care of this month's orders.

Also, people that did save for retirement are losing money on stocks, Cd's and other investments which cuts into discretionary spending. I feel we are in for a rocky road and I feel sorry also for the people and homes flooded out. It seems the government is getting worse with no oversight on "robber barons " that ruined tech, mortgage and other services. It started with Enron and some other scam companies. Leadmen
Here is Leadmen panhandling on the street trying to get enough funds for bread and a "tank".:D;):p


  • oliver1w.jpg
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Here is Leadmen panhandling on the street trying to get enough funds for bread and a "tank".:D;):p

I can just see passing pedestrians throwing in thier loose change
and military miniatures :).
If prices go to high thiers always donkey power [i,m not sure about
their carbon footprint though as I believe they can be quite gassie ;)]


  • Picture 049.jpg
    Picture 049.jpg
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Right now we are 1.35 lt.Now I think there is 4Lt to the gal.So that makes about 5.40 a gal,here in Halifax.

Imperial (UK) Gallon = 4.54609 litres
U.S. Gallon = 3.78541 litres

3.78541 X 1.35 = $5.11 per US gallon

We are up to $1.46/litre in British Columbia

Regardless of whether this is a speculative bubble or we have reached peak oil this has got to be a wake up call. Unless you believe in an abiotic source of oil it will peak and the only thing that really matters is the daily supply vs. the daily demand. It doesn't matter how much oil is in the ground. Oil production is far more complicated than most people appreciate. Many national oil companies keep critical information regarding production secret which leads to speculation. Considering the importance of this commodity transparency is critical.

The age of cheap abundant energy is coming to an end. This will affect everything including our hobby. Production costs will rise, shipping costs will rise, disposable income will shrink. This is simply a reality.
I urge anyone that hasn't already to sign the "Drill here, Drill now Save money" petition that is being put together. It already has over 500,000 signatures and climbing. Simply states we need to become less foreign dependent and drill here and build more refineries. It is said that the Rocky Mountains have over 3x's the amount of oil Saudi Arabia does. Alot of good info in it to much to go into. As far as gas cutting into my K&C fund well we will just have to wait and see. If I see something I really like I'll live on peanut butter and jelly sandwichs if need be to acquire that piece. However I don't think the wife and kids would agree with that! The price hurts but what is one to do?
My car is a diesel, here in Portugal the price for Diesel is now about 1,42 Euros per liter, every time I fill it up it costs around 75 Euros. Some 2 years ago it would cost me about half to fill up:eek:. Trouble is it only looks like getting worse in the coming years. People talk about an oil peak meaning production can not be increased as fast as demand, especially from the emerging economies ( India, China, Brazil ) and they say this guarantees higher and higher prices... Now, when are we going to get those electric cars:mad:.
I can just see passing pedestrians throwing in thier loose change
and military miniatures :).
If prices go to high thiers always donkey power [i,m not sure about
their carbon footprint though as I believe they can be quite gassie ;)]

Al Gore calls it "cow farts" same thing as "gassie"
Al Gore calls it "cow farts" same thing as "gassie"

The goverment here was going to start charging farmers depending
on the number of livestock they had [part of the kyoto protocol kerfuufle]
So Farmers here started calling it "the fart tax'.

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