German Panzer IV & Infantry to the front (1 Viewer)

Iron Brigade

Command Sergeant Major
Jul 27, 2007
I revised my small diorama ( 22 by 9 inches ) of an old K&C LAH 068 Mark I tank and some German Infantry (Sets WS 096 ) being attacked or ambushed by 8 French Forces of the Interior (FFI), K&C sets DD 089, DD 090, & DD 091. I have deleted the Mark I tank and the #3 FFI sets spanning some 8 figures. Just today I secured via Treefrog Treasures a K&C set# WS 219 of an German WW2 Panzer IV H model. I figured that the Panzer IV would show off much better in the display space in question. I now have the Panzer IV flanked by 8 regular Army Infantrymen marching with 4 on each side of the road that the Panzer IV is on. The K&C sets of LAH 068 and sets DD 089, 090 & 091 will be sold off in due course.

A fast review of data Online indicated that the Panzer IV had a total production of about 8,800 tanks between 1936 and 1945. The Panzer IV was the workhorse of the German tank forces during WW2 and saw combat in all theaters and was the only tank to remain in production for the entire war.

The Panzer IV was at first intended to be a support tank. It was armed with a 75mm howitzer intended primarily to fire shells in supprt of other tanks or infantry. It was rearmed with a longer 75 mm dual purpose gun that could defeat most Russian tanks in the second half of WW2. About one half of all German tanks were Panzer IV models.

Please see 4 photos below!!!!

"Iron Brigade" / Gary

WW2 German Mark IV H Tank + Infantry 002 Forum 1.jpg

WW2 German Mark IV H Tank + Infantry 024 Forum 2.jpg

WW2 German Mark IV H Tank + Infantry 029 Forum 3.jpg

WW2 German Mark IV H Tank + Infantry 031 Forum 4.jpg
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Good one Gary, this workhorse is well supported by infantry. Striking scene. Robin.
Nice little dio Gary and I like the infantry marching beside the Panzer IV.

I like the integration of the road and backdrop; very nicely done! The Panzer IV H 75mm L48 could knock out any Allied tank except the JS-2 and the M26. The same ballistics as the PAK 40 75mm.
A Panzer IV well flanked by Infantry, nice little set up
I just thought that I would note that the backdrops were made by John Gittins / J.G. Minaitures of the UK. Further away from the sides of the roadway are an additional 4 or more inches of grass, a few rocks and a few trees and the J.G. Miniature backdrops on the sides of the enclosed bookcase shelve.

Thanks to everyone who left favorable comments and "Likes".

Iron Brigade / Gary

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