German Tanks & etc (1 Viewer)


Brigadier General
Jun 10, 2005
Couple of suggestions in case Andy does not have enough. Sure some have been vented before but here goes:

1) Ferdinand - Kursk or eastern front

2) Jagdtiger - Bulge or late war Germany

3) Flakpanzer - maybe with armoured shields that open or close depending on whether it is in action

4) Goliath - remote controlled minefield clearance vehicle w/couple of operators (Kursk or anywhere)

5) "Puma" w/turret.
I'm sure its just a matter of time before the Jagdtiger comes out, this is a tank that can't be ignored. I would really like to see a Goliath set produced.
An Idea I have for Andy would be a German mine dog Attack set. Germans used them to counter those pesky Russian tanks. Not much is ever disscussed about these units. Maybe a German (Kneeling) pointing, an Officer looking (Kneeling) a German Sheppard ready (sitting) packed with expolsives, and another running fast at the target. Thats my 2 cents for now.

I have suggested the Jagdtiger a couple of times. Would love to see that one done by K&C.

Anyway, I'm more than happy with the upcoming Panther.
I would prefer to see 'normal' tanks rather than these rare monsters - a European pz3 as good as the Africa corps version, t38 and version of the pz1 - what a superb little model the LAH version is:D

Said elsewhere though, need more opposition - commonwealth - also US tank destoyers.
US tank destroyers are a good idea. Would love to see an M10...
I have to go along with panda1gen and Joey, would love to see Panzer III and IV in ETO paint schemes and even a re-release of the Panzer II since I miss out on the first one. And I second that motion on M 10 Tank Destroyer and add a Pershing to list too, these Tigers and King Tigers and soon the new Panther are just too much for my Allied forces!:eek:

Andy mentioned on a different thread that he is currently working on German tanks even as we speak.
Shannon Reuss said:
Andy mentioned on a different thread that he is currently working on German tanks even as we speak.

Thanks Shannon. I have noticed from time to time that Andy's posts get buried once others begin to chime in on his thoughts. Might be useful if he had his own thread or something along those lines so that everyone is aware when he posts something new Anyway just a thought.
I believe that Andy may produce any of the following 1,000 or so tanks/vehicles:

Maybe he could issue blocks of Miliput to this forum legion of collectors, with the best effort being issued as a limited edition of 1? :rolleyes: Or he could issue a limited edition polystone block - no need for vulcanisation of rubber moulds etc, just a chisel and sander, best entrant gets to keep their winning entry and Andy gets to pulverise the rest with great satisfaction. Using moving tracks of course!

Ah I fear if we were to set up a separate thread from Andy that is divorced from the matters upon which he was commenting then it could turn into some sort of Captain's Log rather than a friendly comment here and there. I think things are working well enough as they are on the forum.
CannonFodder1971 said:
I believe that Andy may produce any of the following 1,000 or so tanks/vehicles:

Maybe he could issue blocks of Miliput to this forum legion of collectors, with the best effort being issued as a limited edition of 1? :rolleyes: Or he could issue a limited edition polystone block - no need for vulcanisation of rubber moulds etc, just a chisel and sander, best entrant gets to keep their winning entry and Andy gets to pulverise the rest with great satisfaction. Using moving tracks of course!

Ah I fear if we were to set up a separate thread from Andy that is divorced from the matters upon which he was commenting then it could turn into some sort of Captain's Log rather than a friendly comment here and there. I think things are working well enough as they are on the forum.

Not sure I follow any of this. The point here is that Andy's comments often get buried. Shannon is nice enough to note them for us here, but that does not always happen. Andy does usually note what he is responding to in his email or perhaps we could even figure it out. Like I said - just a suggestion.
Combat said:
Not sure I follow any of this. The point here is that Andy's comments often get buried. Shannon is nice enough to note them for us here, but that does not always happen. Andy does usually note what he is responding to in his email or perhaps we could even figure it out. Like I said - just a suggestion.

Combat, That last post wasn't directed at you! My two related points were (a) that the 'wish-list' is endless, and I'm a regular contributor to it as much as anyone else (dispairingly so at times) and (b) if we're going to divorce Andy's comments from a thread into some sort of bullpen there's a danger that it will become an 'expected' part of the forum, and a blog, or worse a performing circus act, whereby every last suggestion requires a comment lest someone gets grumpy that he responded to suggestions x, y and z but not a, b and c, or there could emerge an expectation around some thinking aloud or that work-in-progress becomes set in stone as a future commitment (e.g. remember the limited runs of certain vehicles, or the woodland Indians for the American Revolutionary War series had become those of the Great Plains for a new version of Custer's Last Stand over the course of a few threads based on a small number of comments from Andy about potential future directions).

Now obviously there is a need for people to add a comment to a thread on which Andy hasn't posted if there's material there which may be of relevance (e.g. some of the WWII guys/gals don't read the Napoleonic thread and vice-versa) but it would be unfair on everyone if Shannon's forum were to become an extension of Andy's workshop.

Just my $0.02
Things seem a little slow on the board today. Maybe the nice weather here on the east coast. So let me do my part by guessing that Otto Skorzeny will be one of the Bulge personality figures. Seems a natural with the disguised german/american figures.
Something that looks like a "winter" Panther (turret #313) is on the Honour Bound site. Maybe just a prototype, but looks nice. Under "sculpting process".

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