Get Well Soon to Doug Stork (Hans505) (1 Viewer)


Your idea of sending Doug a gift basket with our well wishes was a very classy thing to do.

Old Guard
Hello Doug,

I see you managed to get to a computer. I hope everything goes well and you're back with us soon. Just keep your hands off those nurses :D
Hi Guys
Thanks For Everything It Raises The Spirits When Im Not Doing Therapy Ill Be Here On The Centers Computer When I Can
Doug Stork
I talked to Doug tonight and unfortunately he's not doing that well. Apparently, complications from some medicine he was taking have caused his kidneys to malfunction so they transferred Doug to a hospital for awhile. However, he's still in good spirits and asked me to tell everybody here that like Douglas MacArthur, "I will return."
I have Doug's phone number and room number at the hospital, for those of you who might want to give him a ring and cheer him up. He really enjoys talking to fellow collectors. If you want the number, e-mail me or PM me.

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