Gettysburg Chronicles Part 8, Cold Steel, July 3, 1863 (1 Viewer)


Sep 17, 2009
Following the Confederate artillery bombardment, Lt Cushing's two remaining 3 inch ordnance rifles are moved up to within 10 feet of the stone wall. Loaded with double canister, they wait for the approaching Rebs.

Having crossed the deadly road, Garnett and Armistead's brigades advance to the stone wall in front of the copse of trees.

The guns cut a swath through the approaching ranks.

The guns fall silent having fired the last rounds. Seizing the opportunity, Gen'l Lewis Armistead calls to his men "Give 'em the cold steel boys" and crosses the stone wall.
The 69th Pennsylvania, an Irish Regiment, pours a deadly fire into Garnett's Virginia Regiments from behind the stone wall in front of the copse of trees. They pile fence rails on the fence for added protection.

The 20th Massachusetts advances to the 69th's flank to fill a gap in the Union line.

WOW.....I am without words; that' s a movie, not a dio. Lucky you to have it.....Thanks for posting!!
Thanks for the like votes and comments Brad and Poppo. Glad you like the dio. Chris

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