giant outside napoleonic battle (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
May 14, 2014
Used up my whole day outside. Didn't get much done on the Hat Wurtemburgers. Used 1267 guy to make this and only about 5 unpainted. Unfortunately as it was outside the ground is uneven so I could only use my based guys so they would stand up. Also I could not leave it up overnight so it had to be quick. I had to leave 300 or so guys inside as they are not based. Most of the unbased are cavalry so this setup has only 75 mounted guys.100_1300 (800x599).jpg100_1302 (800x599).jpg100_1303 (800x599).jpg100_1304 (800x599).jpg100_1307 (800x599).jpgI can only load 5 pics at a time so just keep reading for more.
100_1316 (800x599).jpg100_1322 (800x599).jpg100_1331 (800x599).jpg100_1356 (800x599).jpgI didn't have time to more than 1 scene so this was it. I need an indoor stage so I can use all my figs and leave everything setup to do it right.
What a blast seeing these pix - almost envious, if I tried this where I live my troops (and I) would have to forget about opposing armies to fight off fire ants... So many thanks for sharing your backyard adventures.
I know what you mean about the fire ants. I was stationed at Ft. McClellan in 94-95. Found out about the ants the first time I cut the grass.

So what I have here is 150 Russians, 363 Austrians, 149 Saxons, 102 Westphalians, 24 Portuguese, 96 Swiss and all of 330 French. This is why I buy toy soldiers. Maybe around the end of June I will have another 300 - 350 guys to try this again. Up my total to around 1700 or so and get the cavalry to participate.
Lookin good! The variety of guys and the tactics involved! And you have a great size village! Looks like alot of fun.
Playing outside is always great cause you get the room to maneuver but sucks to have to pick them up quickly. I've been eye-balling a space outside for the past few days but I have to balance the desire to set up with the knowledge that I'll probably get blitzkrieged by ticks. Plus, save for the last few days, its been pushing 90 down we'll see :cool:

Keep up the good work!
Also, is that a human sized Chevaux de frise in the backyard?!
Lookin good! The variety of guys and the tactics involved! And you have a great size village! Looks like alot of fun.
Playing outside is always great cause you get the room to maneuver but sucks to have to pick them up quickly. I've been eye-balling a space outside for the past few days but I have to balance the desire to set up with the knowledge that I'll probably get blitzkrieged by ticks. Plus, save for the last few days, its been pushing 90 down we'll see :cool:

Keep up the good work!
Also, is that a human sized Chevaux de frise in the backyard?!
I wasn't very happy with the village but time was the biggest factor deciding what I could do. I wanted to show reinforcements coming through town and wasn't sure how I was going to pull it off before I set up the village. Then it was too late to change it.
Ticks, huh? No bugs here yet as it has only just warmed and dried up after a cold and rainy spring.
Yes you got me that is a human sized Chevaux de fries. I made that 2 years ago I wanted to se what the effort involved was. It's an 8 foot 4x4 with 5 foot hand rails put through. It's still in good condition.
100_1327 (800x599).jpgSaxon heavy cavalry.100_1298 (800x599).jpgA panoramic view from the Austrian side. Austrian curiasiers, dragoons. hussars, and lancers.100_1325 (800x599).jpg French infantry in line supported by Swiss in line backed up by Saxons in column. Saxon artillery to the left.100_1337 (800x599).jpgFrench infantry with Swiss infantry and Saxon infantry protected by Saxon cuirassiers.


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