Glenn Miller Band (1 Viewer)

Hello: J.B.
I am excited to see your post. As you know I am looking for any additions to my complete G.M. Band. I want to fill the Hall !!! Looking forward to your results. keep me posted.
Best Regards!
Mr. Murph

Hi again Murph - I certainly will post any developments here - as the more interest generated - the more likely it will be that Giles (Dorset Soldiers) will be encouraged to add more figures to his range. The Band - backing group and lead singer (based on Frances Langford) are available now as individual castings ( you DON'T have to buy sets, with Giles - all products are available as individual figures, if you want) . I'll be going down to see Giles - first week in August - so won't be long until I collect the remainder of the band - and the group mentioned. As soon as I get 'em, and painted up - I'll show them on this thread - so all can see how they turn out.

Whilst I'm there - I'll be able to chat with Giles about the dancers - which I hope can be made to look something like the old Frontline version. As you can see all of these figures are "home grown" - being based on an American GI figure that's been available for years - with the addition of various arms/instruments which have also been around for years. Just putting them together, with a few modifications - that's the recent part!^&grin

The jiving dancers will be a brand-new development - so I hope I can influence the design, somewhat, so they might well fit in quite well.

See you later Murph - jb
I'm currently developing some more figures for the band - and show four more individual figures below - set up as a combo.

To the left is my version of the drummer and drum kit. This figure is again based on the seated GI figure - and this time is surrounded by his drum-kit. These drums were developed from other Military Band instruments - though I've tried for some realistic colours that I found elsewhere on the Internet. It's difficult to find colour pics though - as photos are nearly always in Black and White for this time. I made up the Bass drum and two side drums from other figures - whilst the two drums mounted on top of the Bass Drum - are cut down versions of side-drums. The whole thing is mounted on a fabricated base - as one unit.

The guitarist and pianist are again the seated figure - but again, with arms and instruments drawn from other suitable figures from the Dorset Soldiers range, and then modified to fit.

The standing double base figure - is a modified standing GI - with arms made up from other figures again - and very much modified to fit the pose. Note that I had to enlarge the smallish base the player stands on - to get the instrument to fit to the body and arms. His right arm is made up of three parts ( toparm and elbow, forearm and hand) - glued and pinned together.

I'm currently working on the four saxophone section of the band and some backing singers - but I'm still making arms etcetera, fit - so I'll show those a bit later on.

Can't resist adding them to those already completed.:D Looks like I'm going to get my band!

This is looking awesome JB !!!

Where there's a will there's a way !

Hi Scott - Glad you like them - and yes, where there is a will - there's nearly always is a way!^&grin
I don't pretend that my TS version of a beautiful "limited edition" model is anything other than a TS amateur version of this wonderful band.

BUT........what I hope to show again, is that there IS another way of obtaining a version - that won't break the bank!
My philosophy is that Toy Soldiers don't ALWAYS have to cost the Earth.

I loved this set from the moment I first saw it - but I won't spend the sort of cash that this set now commands. Last one I saw was above $US 1,000.{eek3} do you get something like it - that you and yours are comfortable with?.............Answer......... build and paint it yourself from castings.

Fortunately for me - I found a set that might work - and from someone who makes something like what I wanted, at a reasonable price. Giles Brown of Dorset Soldiers supplied me with the castings - and from there................well.........................this is the result - so far.
Giles and I are still discussing the add-ons (dancers) - so we will have to see what results from that - BUT - I'm very satisfied so far. Nice to see that some others agree {sm4}
Hi: J.B.
I am enjoying your updates. Great to see the Band coming together, it takes time to get the right guys to play in your band, they all have different personalities and talents :) your G.M. Orchestra may come out better than Frontline. Keep adding & make it a BIG Band. Keep those updates coming!!!
Best Regards.
Mr. Murph
Hi Murph - glad you're enjoying watching them - and yes - there certainly were a few personalities in the various bands that came together under that famous name - Glenn Miller.

However, with regard to numbers of the wartime band - I think that Frontline got it right. I have been collecting quite a few (mostly Black & White) photos of the band - and the composition of the band was always the same - when they were in WW2 uniform.

Four Trombones (Glenn made it five), four trumpets and four sax's made up the core of the band - then one each of pianist, clarinetist, guitarist, double bass player and drummer with a drum kit. I will be adding a lead singer (that's lead as in leading - and not lead as in heavy metal:D) and a backing group - which I don't think Frontline ever did. I originally thought that the singer would be Frances Langford - but recently found out that Giles has modelled her on an earlier singer - Marion Hutton.

I don't actually have her as a casting at present, as she wasn't in production when I last visited Dorset to collect the remaining figures for my band - and can't show you a pic either - as Photobucket is playing up again - and won't let me see any of my uploaded pics!!! (which is VERY annoying). Hang on - I'll try to upload another way using the Treefrog upload - how's that? Yes - that worked - here's the casting.

Marion Hutton 02.jpg

The band continued after the War - sadly without Glenn of course - but weren't in WW2 uniform by then - so I will be keeping the numbers as authentic as Frontline did. Giles has promised to produce some jiving dancers by my next visit - so keep an eye out around next Spring-time for those. As usual - buyers can have as many of those as they want. :Djb
As usual - here's my first pass at all of the figures I have for my Glenn Miller, Army Air Force Band - somewhere around the time I was born! (Yikes - just realised that!). The usual tidy-up to do on one or two pieces - but this is all I have (for now). :D I'll try for asome better pics when I've tidied every piece up - but couldn't resist seeing how they all looked together for the first time. ;)

They look a little cramped on my makeship photo-booth - so will have to make up something better to display them. I will also need to make music stands for some of the musicians. Note my three vocalists with their new microphone (paper clip, milliput and some washers with a filed piece of metal stuck on top). I have just been reading that Glenn had a four male group of singers called "The Crew Chiefs" at this time - so I'll need to order a couple more to join them - as well as Marion Hutton as the lead singer, and some dancers of course.

Just had an e-mail from Giles Brown at Dorset Soldiers. He's been doing a bit of modelling and sculpting on a pair of Jiving Dancers he has made up for me - and has just sent me the following pic of a pair he made.

I Haven't seen the originals yet - but am assured this pair can be placed together in various positions to make up differing poses. With a bit of gentle arm bending, and different paint jobs on each pair, I might have quite a few of these - to go with the extra figures in the singing group - and a lead singer.

Due to various factors, I might not be able to pick them ( and my other orders), up until March - and then can hopefully get cracking again - and add some more bits to my Glenn Miller Band - Dorset Style.:D,
Further to my last - here's another pic that Giles sent me - after I sent him an order for a six pairs of dancers - which shows how he has painted them up. Note that the guy is in civvies - but Giles deliberately cut the jacket, so that it can easily be changed to GI uniform by painting it differently.

Here is Giles' version of the pair - when painted.

I have always loved that set from Frontline. Great Idea. I have a huge bunch of instruments and parts. Now I had limited myself to marching ideas but this is much better.
Verra nice.
I have always loved that set from Frontline. Great Idea. I have a huge bunch of instruments and parts. Now I had limited myself to marching ideas but this is much better.
Verra nice.

Glad you like 'em too KV - Good to see you back in the saddle again!=have missed the "Verra Nices"!!!!^&grin
So...........get cracking on your version too, maybe??;)

This is something like what I'll eventually be after = though mine has a few more players in the band.

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Here's a very quick and messy shot of my current workbench - and some developing characters to act as add-ons to my existing GM Band.

You may recall that Giles brown of Dorset Soldiers had produced some jiving dancers, at my request, to dance to Glenn's band.

Her's a few underway - but I'm working to a deadline to catch a 'plane - so may not be able to complete them all in time. Just thought that Murph may want to take a look at these - as he's looking for some extras for his Frontline set.

I've converted three of the suited male figures to the "Ike Jacket", by a little cutting and filing - which doesn't take long - and then the rest of the detail is just paint changes for Officer types or Enlisted Men. It's possible to have a little fun here, with shoulder patches - badges of rank etc. Note also behind the first of my two completed figures (far right) - Marion Hutton is singing. Giles made me one of Glenn's early main singers in a nice full evening dress - to accompany the rest of the figures.

If I get a chance - I'll take some more pics later this week - to show how they are developing - but hope this will do for now. jb:salute::

By burning yet another chunk of midnight Oil - I have completed six of my pairs of dancers - who can now join the band - who are giving an improvised concert for them to dance to.

As you may be able to make out - I have painted the Soldiers in slightly different uniforms - with different ranks and jackets being worn. The "Ike jackets", are really conversions from the basic figure - which wears a conventional long jacket. The lower part of the jacket has been trimmed and filed off - and then painted to look as if it is a blouse style. I tell you this - as if anyone wishes to order any of these dance figures from Dorset Soldiers - it will involve some ten minutes work to alter them. There is just one basic casting - okay??

The arms of both figures (male and female), are reasonably flexible however, so these can be altered slightly if you wish to get a slightly different pose for any couple.

So............. here's my pic below - of what they all look like. I have 34 figures so far, in my set - but may do a couple more male singers - to make it more like the normal backing group that Glenn actually used - and maybe another couple of pairs of dancers ( next time I visit Dorset). . That will mean my set will eventually be around 40 figures. It also means that my set will be bigger than most Frontline sets - and will have cost me LESS than a quarter of what most Frontline sets go for on e-bay nowadays. Remember, it was a limited edition anyway - and they stopped making them some time ago.

Hope you like 'em...........johnnybach


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