GNM Miniatures - beautiful figures (1 Viewer)

Reed Fitkin

Jul 5, 2009
I am a modest collector of toy soldiers and military miniatures. For the past year I have been reading the reviews in Toy Soldier Magazine regarding GNM Miniatures and in particular the Napoleonic figures that this company produces. The company appears to be a small player/producer in the market place, but the quality of the work is excellent. Being interested the Mapoleinic period, I finally could not resist being just an admirer and recently purchased the diorama entitled Scotland Forever. The detail is tremendous, and it has become one of my favorite pieces in my collection. If you are not familiar with this company, I strongly encourage you to look in the recent June/July 2009 Toy Soldier Magazine. I see now that this company is also producing knights/bowmen. For those you who are familiar with GNM Miniatures, what are your impressions on this company's product?
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Welcome to the forum :) I was lucky enough to have a close up inspection of Graham Mollards materpieces at the last couple of London shows and took a few photos.



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and a few more. Superb workmanship as all the reins etc are made from foil and wire and the arms etc are bent into position to vary figures. Hence as they are all handmade there is a few weeks waitng list for figures.



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Hi Jeff,

Do you happen to have any closeups of the knights? these look very interesting! What's the scale of the figures?


Hi Jeff,

Do you happen to have any closeups of the knights? these look very interesting! What's the scale of the figures?



If I am not mistaken Jim these are based on the Britains lead Agincourt knights, so would be 54mm. I believe there was an article in Toy Soldier Collector a few months back. I will dig it out and scan it for you if Jeff doesn't have any close up pictures.
If I am not mistaken Jim these are based on the Britains lead Agincourt knights, so would be 54mm. I believe there was an article in Toy Soldier Collector a few months back. I will dig it out and scan it for you if Jeff doesn't have any close up pictures.

Thx.. I have an online subscription so no need to scan... If you know what issue it is - that would be helpful..

Thx very much!
Hi Jeff,

Do you happen to have any closeups of the knights? these look very interesting! What's the scale of the figures?



Sorry Jim I don't, and the photo isn't the best either. :(

Hi Jeff,

Do you happen to have any closeups of the knights? these look very interesting! What's the scale of the figures?



If you go on caveman you will find 2 photo albums with gnm miniature knights, regards caveman.
Thx.. I have an online subscription so no need to scan... If you know what issue it is - that would be helpful..

Thx very much!

Hi Jim,

They are featured in Issue 24 starting on page 46. Hope that helps :)

Does anyone know where these can be bought, or I can view/buy a catalog?
Thanks for any help,

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