Good ol' Memphis barbecue (1 Viewer)

Shannon Reuss

Forum Administrator
Staff member
Apr 22, 2005
I've heard of "customer appreciation days" but recently we at Treefrog Treasures experienced "your customer appreciates YOU day!"
Mandi, Pete and I (and even our mail carrier!) were given a Tennesee barbecue feast courtesy of customer Chuck Harris. After eating the "barbecue" offered at our King & Country dinner in Chicago Chuck felt we needed to taste what real barbecue was all about, so we were told to expect a large package of Memphis barbecue with all the fixins' to arrive a few Fridays ago. Fedex delivered our lunch on dry ice and Chuck was right, it was fantastic! Here we are ready to dig into ribs, beans and barbecue sandwiches.
Thanks Chuck!:D
Many thanks also to Chuck for the dry ice--my second-grade son and I had a great time making fog and doing other scientific experiments with it.

Yeah! Where's mine?:confused:

I need to go out and eat BBQ now. See what you've done Chuck.

Bill Sager
Well that was right neighbourly of old Chuck to go to that much trouble and expense.

Brad, would you like me to send you a 'traditional' Australian BBQ meal via Qantas :)

Entre: Witchety grubs - rare

Main course: Kangaroo - medium/rare

Desert: Honey ants - raw
Memphis is BQ Capital of the World. The World Championship cook off is held here on the bank of the Mississippi River every year. BQ Cooking Teams come from all over world even from down-under OZDigger. Pork is the main meat, but you an find beef and some other strange things. The judging is on pork ranging from whole pig, ribs, shoulders, loins & etc

This is a BIG EVENT goes on for about week. You mite find 1 or 2 beers around in few cooking areas.
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