Gordon of Khartoum, the final act. (1 Viewer)


Aug 18, 2016
Hi everyone,

I'll tell a story about one of my heroes. "Charles George Gordon, byname Chinese Gordon (born Jan. 28, 1833, Woolwich, near London, Eng.—died Jan. 26, 1885, Khartoum, Sudan), British general who became a national hero for his exploits in China and his ill-fated defense of Khartoum against the Mahdists".

As you can see below, we come to the final act . {sm2}

"Gordon arrived in Khartoum in February. Khartoum came under siege a month later, and on Jan. 26, 1885, the Mahdists broke into the city and killed Gordon and the other defenders. The British public reacted to his death by acclaiming “Gordon of Khartoum” a martyred warrior-saint and by blaming the government for failure to relieve the siege. However, some biographers, such as the noted Lytton Strachey, have suggested that Gordon, in defiance of his government’s orders, had deliberately refused to evacuate Khartoum, even though evacuation was still possible until late in the siege".

Best regards

Enrico :)

DSCN1994 burl.jpggordon 4.jpggordon 3.jpggordon 5.jpg
Neat diorama! It sure doesn't look good for Gordon and his chaps.

Neat diorama! It sure doesn't look good for Gordon and his chaps.


Hi Brendan,

thanks a lot for your comment. I completely agree with you... That's the fate that's in store for Gordon and his chaps!!! I'm afraid, "History cannot be reversed or changed" {sm3}

Best regards

Enrico :redface2:
Good to see these scenes, have not visited my figures for some years and yet they are some of my favourites. May have to drag them out in the light soon. Robin.
The film was great; with Charlton Heston as General Charles Gordon and Laurence Olivia as the Mahdi. The film was made in 1966 and the cinematography is superb.
The film was great; with Charlton Heston as General Charles Gordon and Laurence Olivia as the Mahdi. The film was made in 1966 and the cinematography is superb.

I completely agree with you. That film has many memorable scenes. The end is just... EPIC. I've watched it so many times I can't count !!|:rolleyes:

Best regards

Enrico :)
Great work. Really enjoyed seeing your diorama, very dramatic ! :salute::

Enricoquinto my friend .... you seem to find new ways to impressive. Not only with the ever expanding breadth of your collection, and your "Historical" knowledge but your portrayal of your figures in wonderful setups.

Are you going to make a bit of a storyline with these? .... like someone else happens to be doing right now .. :eek:

Like you advise to me ... KEEP THEM COMING!

--- LaRRy
Enricoquinto my friend .... you seem to find new ways to impressive. Not only with the ever expanding breadth of your collection, and your "Historical" knowledge but your portrayal of your figures in wonderful setups.

Are you going to make a bit of a storyline with these? .... like someone else happens to be doing right now .. :eek:

Like you advise to me ... KEEP THEM COMING!

--- LaRRy

Dear LaRRy,

thanks a lot for your compliment. I still learning how to take a photo. As I've already written, you are a great historian! I always love the fascinating job of studying and interpreting the past: to be a real historian you have to try to bring the past as it was to us, not the past as people want it to be.
I'd like to make a storyline as you do but... I'm not ready yet. :eek: One day, perhaps, I’ll able to be to do it.;)

Be sure!!! Never give up!!!
I've never been able to compete but I'm going to keep it that way. :rolleyes:

Best regards

Enrico :)
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