Got to build something like this again now! (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
May 18, 2005
Anyone else planning a dio featuring the new Fire Brigade, I 'd like to do a new twist on this if poss.

I really hope the whole Home Front/RAF/UXB range goes from strength to strength, we have lots of lovely tanks,planes and fighting figs and then we have this whole other side to the conflict. And as we all know, we wouldn't have won it without the civvies on the Home Front! :salute::

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Why is the bobby writing a ticket? Did the soldier park his Austin on the wrong side of the road ?
i think he is writing a description of the suspects, ' German speaking you say, in a big plane with black crosses on it'! :wink2:

Must say I'm very grateful indeed for all the likes on the picture above, many of you are superb dio makers so this is high praise indeed. I've posted two more pics below from the same dio, I guess this was my most ambitious project yet but I'm pleased with how it turned out.

But I'm still waaaaay behind you guys!:salute::


In this next shot you will notice a piece of wire by the ladder.Now this was a very important wire used by the bomb squad when they..........oh who am I's a hair from one of my bloody Cats who stuck her nose in there while it was still wet and I didn't notice until after taking pic!:rolleyes2:^&grin

Na mate you just set a standard im trying to achieve,great dio this one Rob never get sick of looking at it.
Na mate you just set a standard im trying to achieve,great dio this one Rob never get sick of looking at it.

Wayne I appreciate that mate, I thought your recent 88 scene just superb, right up there with the best on this forum.^&cool

Don't sell yourself short Rob, the 2 black and white pic's as well as your first pic are bloody awesome mate!

Don't sell yourself short Rob, the 2 black and white pic's as well as your first pic are bloody awesome mate!


Thanks Tom, that's very good of you mate.

That cat is a genius. The cat hair looks like a scratch on an old photo and makes the picture look from the 1940s adding that last touch of realism. Did he do the lighting too? The bright patches in the picture centre and left wall of the hoarding with the hole itself in deeper shadow make it seem like the glow from a building burning just to the right.

Does he work only in a sand base medium.? I can't imagine what he will do with an 8th Army dio.. {eek3}^&grin

In any case, good to see you back doing dios.

That cat is a genius. The cat hair looks like a scratch on an old photo and makes the picture look from the 1940s adding that last touch of realism. Did he do the lighting too? The bright patches in the picture centre and left wall of the hoarding with the hole itself in deeper shadow make it seem like the glow from a building burning just to the right.

Does he work only in a sand base medium.? I can't imagine what he will do with an 8th Army dio.. {eek3}^&grin

In any case, good to see you back doing dios.



She does a lot of her best work in sand Terry, I then normally have to go in and get it out with a scoop, so every day a new 'Piece of work' from her! :wink2:

You're right the lighting does look ok in this doesn't it, pure luck I must admit:rolleyes2:

Thanks Terry

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