Graph of Knowledge (2 Viewers)

Great graph{sm4}! While the second has a dab of truth IMHO (let's not get into it{sm4}:wink2:), I thought the 3rd was true:rolleyes2:. A nut is a seed, a fruit is the seed bearing part of the plant, and a vegetable is the plant itself. Thus a tomato is a fruit, and a close relative of many other fruits.
Yes, let's not get into the second one but Sandor I'd like to recommend to you Border War: Fighting Over Slavery before the Civil War by Stanley Harrold. Published by the University of North Carolina Press. The book was a finalist for the 2011 Lincoln Prize, one of the top honors in Civil War history.
Yes, let's not get into the second one but Sandor I'd like to recommend to you Border War: Fighting Over Slavery before the Civil War by Stanley Harrold. Published by the University of North Carolina Press. The book was a finalist for the 2011 Lincoln Prize, one of the top honors in Civil War history.
I have this book sitting on my shelf but haven't been able to get to it yet.:redface2: It looks real interesting. -- Al

It's a little slow going at times but he shows how the conflicts over slave escapes between the northern and southern states that bordered each other really exacerbated tensions between the sections.

Another statement to add to the graph might be: "Well..I may be just an ol' country boy But..."
At least no-one has started down the veritable hot potato of quantum physics. That's the sort of discussion that'll lead to forum meltdowns.

If pie are square why are they baked in a round tin? :p


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