Today, Monday, starting at noon, EST, on TCM, is the 1939 version of "The Four Feathers", followed at 2pm EST by Flynn's "Charge of the Light Brigade". At 4pm EST is the all-time great "Gunga Din". A great adventure Monday on TCM.^&grin -- Al
Today, Monday, starting at noon, EST, on TCM, is the 1939 version of "The Four Feathers", followed at 2pm EST by Flynn's "Charge of the Light Brigade". At 4pm EST is the all-time great "Gunga Din". A great adventure Monday on TCM.^&grin -- Al
Gunga Din saved the day, again. I will watch this movie just to see the scene where Din claws his way to the top of the dome to blow the alarm on his bugle. Gets me every time. And I love the Indian lancer charge.^&grin -- Al
No Time For Sgts on TCM tonight at 10.
Today, Monday, starting at noon, EST, on TCM, is the 1939 version of "The Four Feathers", followed at 2pm EST by Flynn's "Charge of the Light Brigade". At 4pm EST is the all-time great "Gunga Din". A great adventure Monday on TCM.^&grin -- Al
Tom, I remember reading somewhere that Flynn had a heart condition (amongst other problems), that kept him from being able to join. -- AlI wish I had joined this site earlier...I only saw "Gunga Din " once and always wanted to see it again....I never forgot the the last stand on top of the temple and Gunga Din blowing the bugle and saving the day "Your a better man than I am Gunga Din " said the General and that phase was around for years and years......I have seen the other movies on TCM at some stage or other but missed Gunga Din.....anyway I can always consule myself with all the U beaut Errol Flynn movies....did you know Errol tried to join the army but was found to be medically unfit for some reason.....I reckon he would have made a good digger.....cheers Tom
.Errol Flynn often took a lot of stick for some of the films he made - and the fact that he never served in any of the military Services. However, in all fairness to him, it wasn't for the want of trying. He did try to join the Army, then Army Air Corps, Navy and Marines (even changing his Nationality to American in the 1940's - as he was born in Tasmania) but was refused entry on medical grounds each time.
Firstly, he had re-curring bouts of Malaria, through his life, put down to working in his teens and twenties in unhealthy environments. He also suffered from tuberculosis. However, the clincher came when Warner brothers tried to insure him, when he was on their movie payroll during the 1930's. he was then found to be in the initial stages of congestive heart failure - the disease which eventually killed him at age 50.
So - don't blame poor young Errol for the film innaccuracies perhaps - but the writers and producers who came up with them. jb