The Panzer II is a 1/24 scale model by Tasca. The model is quite detailed and has tracks made from individual links. The figures are from several manufacturers. The Panzer Kommander is from TCS and comes with the Hetzer. The standing Panzer Officer with camo trousers is from K&C. The standing Panzer Officer in black with side cap is a 1/25 scale figure from Tamiya as is the Unterofficer in the helmet with MP-40. I find it interesting that the Tamiya figures and the K&C figures are very similar in proportions and height; within the range of human norms. The Tamiya figures are 70mm tall. The K&C figure is 68mm tall from the top of the base. The tamiya figures came with a 1/25 scale Jagdpanther I am still in the process of painting. Please let me know your opinion of how the different figures and the Panzer II work togather.