Grossdeutschland - Tiger Town Diorama (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Oct 17, 2012
So, my first diorama will be a winter scene that could either be for my 42-43 or 44-45 Winter Ostfront collections. Starting off by test fitting my Tigers.

3 are the more recent Tigers by Figarti that were command Tigers (one still is), but were modified by Alex Credidio (Firebat) to include 2 standard war late Tigers. They are painted, weathered and decaled to be Tigers from the Grossdeutschland Division late in the war. They depict late January, 1945 when Hauptmann Hans Bock wins his Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross leading a counter attack that destroys 68 Russian tanks and approximately 30 "guns."

Also, the First Legion Winter Tiger that fits in rather well. At this point in East Prussia, equipment was being swapped quite a bit so a random Tiger from another formation would not be that unusual.

All Panzer Commanders are from KronPrinz. Panzergrenadiers and Landsers are from FL, KP and WB. House by Hobby Bunker, and modified by Alex C.


With these I plan to scrape out a road in the snow passing the house.


Have to improve the lighting down there or take some in the sunlight. These might be good on a overcast day, though.
This JJD Jagdpanther does not work for GD, but will work well for Oberfeldwebel Bix's crate when he wins the Knight's Cross in West Prussia. He stood alone against a large number of T-34 (and a few American Lend Lease) tanks holding off the Russians to allow comrades and civilians more time to escape. He was hiding in the outskirts of a little hamlet during this action.

Tiger town for sure. Like the building, really suits the Winter aspect. The passing road full of huge tanks will be terrific, a great spectacle. Robin.
Started drawing in different aspects and making some adjustments. Should be ready to start carving out roads and stuff over the holidays!
My favourite JP model, a credit to the guys that brought it into production, nearly bought it (twice), but sadly a tad too small for my larger 1/30 figures.

This JJD Jagdpanther does not work for GD, but will work well for Oberfeldwebel Bix's crate when he wins the Knight's Cross in West Prussia. He stood alone against a large number of T-34 (and a few American Lend Lease) tanks holding off the Russians to allow comrades and civilians more time to escape. He was hiding in the outskirts of a little hamlet during this action.

So, I started doing some messing around and created this straight-ish road. I also moved the house completely onto the largest piece of foam. This way I have it modular and can add the other two pieces, have them or the house be there own stand alone display. Want to play around with it some just to get a feel before starting to permanently modify things.

The story is a the GD Kampfgruppe is passing another unit. You can see the difference in the highly motivated and well equipped GD Panzergrenadiers and the regular landsers getting pressed into another wasted attack.

Command Tiger bringing up the rear, that Panzergrenadier is looking a little too relaxed!

Landsers getting pressed into the attack while they walk past the gun emplacement recently silenced:

This looks very promising. Couple of thoughts, if I may.

If you intend to use loose snow, you may want to create a border that is slightly higher than the base board.

I personally do not like moss. Consider using gypsum which you could spray in different colors:

And as you might remember from my own winter diorama, sagebrush branches worked decently well for dead trees. I have some extras if you need them.

I love your Tigers and am now happy I purchased the FL winter one.
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Thank you for the idea of a border. I will use it.

Yes, the moss is temporary, but thank you for suggesting the gypsum. I will check it out.

If you are not going to use the sagebrush I would certainly be interested. I liked the way they looked in your diorama.

Thanks for the suggestions!

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