Guard Corp Dismounted Union Soldiers (2 Viewers)


Private 2
Sep 18, 2012
Just wondered if anyone collects the Guard Corps range. I have always liked the civil war figures but i haven t seen any in person. Any one any thoughts
I collect the Imperial German sets. Guard Corps figures are very good. I find the level of detail in the sculpts to be very high. The quality of the finish is very good, particularly for glossy figures, though if I were painting the figures myself, I'd leave off the rosy cheeks, and I'd paint the eyes as more than a dot. But that is a very minor point. When Alan Silk and Ed Lober brought this range out back in the 90's, I was excited, because no one else made any Imperial Germans.

Of the Civil War/Seventh Cavalry range, I'll say the same thing about the quality. I have a single piece from those ranges, the Union officer kissing his wife or sweetheart good-bye (I think it's supposed to be Custer, but I don't have any catalog pages covering that range, except for one listing dismounted Union and Confederate cavalry). It's of the same quality as the figures in the "German Series", as they called it.

In my experience, Guard Corps are hard to find today. I see them from time to time on tables at shows, or on eBay. Unfortunately for us collectors, Alan and Ed weren't able to produce too many sets, before they each passed away and the partnership ended. There was a company in Hong Kong that revived the line, briefly, in the 2000's, and whose name currently escapes me. It was the company that did the casting for Guard Corps, if I remember correctly, and had some of the molds. I think either Alan's or Ed's family was involved in trying to keep the business going. I do remember seeing the website and the figures, but I don't think the venture went too far.

If I collected Civil War figures, I would certainly include Guard Corps' sets in my collection.

I have all their ACW figures. Years ago I painted up in gloss IR horses to go along with their dismounted cavalry. I used these for a Gettysburg diorama (Buford's dismounted cavalry holding off the initial Confederate attacks) along with other glossy makers; Tedtoy, Trophy and Little Legion. They really go great with Tedtoy.
They do pop up on ebay from time to time so keep looking. One day I will part with mine but not right now.
Thank you both for your imput. Reason im asking is that ebay usa have a lot of the union dismounted calvary for sell from a hongkong seller for 20 dollars each with free postage. 21 different figures listed, all union. I am definately going to purchase some at that price. They are listed as sourced from the factory that made the original Guard Corp figures and are a stock clearance sale.
Thank you both for your imput. Reason im asking is that ebay usa have a lot of the union dismounted calvary for sell from a hongkong seller for 20 dollars each with free postage. 21 different figures listed, all union. I am definately going to purchase some at that price. They are listed as sourced from the factory that made the original Guard Corp figures and are a stock clearance sale.

You're very welcome, glad to help!

That sounds like the factory I'm thinking of. I wish I could remember the name. I even corresponded with the manager, but those emails are on an old and now defunct hard drive, as is the bookmark for their website. Sounds like a good deal, I'd go for it, too, if they had the Alexander Grenadiers.

Purchased a few of the figures today that i was talking about. I appreciate the link to tedtoys they look great as well. For jefman i replied to your PM I hope you received it ok. Thanks guys Regards Peter
If your still interested in "Garde De Corp" sets ACW,I call your attention to my recent post on this thread! Regards!
Thanks, Bill! That's "Guard Corps", by the way.

I went back and found the URL for the company who did casting for Guard Corps in their second incarnation. That was after either Ed or Alan had passed away--forgive me, but I can't recall, I think Ed passed away first. That ended the business, but only temporarily. Alan later looked for casting companies in China and Hong Kong to contract casting (which I believe Ed and Alan had done themselves, previously). Fair Tech International was the company they contracted with to revive production. After Alan passed, Fair Tech was still producing the sets, but I don't think they did for more than a couple of years. At the same time, Ed's daughter liquidated the remaining of completed sets, at shows. That was back around 2007 or 2008.

Fair Tech's main website is, and you can contact the manager via email.

Hope that helps, prosit!
Thanks Brad for the link. I am waiting for a delivery from Hong Kong so it is obviously these reissues that you are talking about. I dont mind because they look as if they are great figures. Glossy goodness. Regards Peter

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