Guard Mount at Horseguards (1 Viewer)

Martin Tabony

Command Sergeant Major
Nov 6, 2009
For anyone who hasn't seen the mounting of the Queen's Life Guard, these two videos show the exchange. Notice though that due to the repair work (Horseguards building is 250 years old) there is no sentry in position outside the quarters arch. This position is known as the "chicks" but properly called "sentry over the arms". The thing that looks like a bench is actually a rack for the carbines that were stored there. No1 box is the best stag and 3rd "chicks" is the worst! (usually mine)^&grin
Thanks for that Martin - I had never seen the change over before. Due to the ever intrusive cameras around nowadays, certainly makes you think about the pile of discarded boots - and even having that last "ciggy" before going on stag - and the need to be a bit more careful to hide these from prying eyes.

I was surprised also, at the lightness of colour of the horses. I always thought that they were much closer to black - than they actually were in this clip. Do you know whether they were darker in years gone by? In my mind, when I was a kid - they were always Black horses. I found out much later that they could be a very dark brown - but the ones in the video surprised me a bit - because they were much lighter than I had expected.

The reason for my interest is - I hope to be be painting a set of 1st LG - circa 1910, around next Spring - so am keen to learn everything I can about these by then. jb.
Even though they're called "cavalry blacks", there's no such thing as a true black horse, they're actually very dark brown. It looks like these have just had their spring clip. That cuts down to the under hairs and can make then look lighter. By the time the guard hairs grow back out they will appear darker again. I think if you saw them in the flesh they'd be darker, bright camera lights make a difference and that light you get when snow is in the air.
I sort of agree about hiding the secrets, (an old no1 jacket and khaki breaches to save the good kit in the winter) but what wouldn't you give to have this kind of film from the Victorian era?:)

A Victorian colour movie clip from a Victorian mobile phone - now there's a fascinating thought! Yes - that would be worth a bob or two! Okay - so it's a mixture of dark brown and black then - edging more towards the dark end of the spectrum of browns for the 1st Lifeguards Horse. Thanks Martin. jb

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