Guess who's coming to dinner ?? (2 Viewers)


Feb 11, 2010
I don't think this dio needs more explanation. Everything is said in the title
it's somewhere in Normandy D-day + 1





What a beauty Guy 1 of your best,did you do any work to the figures ??
What a beauty Guy 1 of your best,did you do any work to the figures ??

I surely did Wayne, The US and German para's are almost all total repaints
More pics of the German paras in the TGM section of the forum
Neat compact dio Guy. The attention given to the terrain is your trade mark. :salute::, Robin.
I surely did Wayne, The US and German para's are almost all total repaints
More pics of the German paras in the TGM section of the forum

The Para,s look exceptional mate.
Para's against Para's but I think the Jerries are gunna be worse off! Nice scene and excellent dio Guy, well done mate.

I do not understand why Andy not come with Normandy Fallschirmjägers. The big question is why? They sell like fresh bread at Christmas!
this is one of the questions that I will ask him at the London show.

Very nice indeed. You can sense two different emotions.
The Germans are relaxed and at ease, eating and having a smoke.
The Americans are tight as a piano wire ready to go into action.

Excellent selection of figures to match the mood. The setting is superb.

Super nice job here!!!

--- LaRRy
Para's against Para's but I think the Jerries are gunna be worse off! Nice scene and excellent dio Guy, well done mate.


Reminds me of the Saving Private Ryan stand-off scene, but better.
Not only is your dio awe-inspiring, your figure repaints are incredible---:salute::
Love it Guy! The extra painting you did on the figures is tremendous.
Guy, that is a beautifully done diorama, from the terrain, buildings, soldiers, back drop scenery everything works perfectly together, and indeed the title says it all :)...Sammy
A few pictures more to show what's behind the farm gate

Does anyone else notice that one of the FJ's is carrying a British Sten SMG? I think that's fantastic, and something lost on most people. Captured enemy equipment was often placed back into service against its original owners, especially by units like the FJ's, Commandos and Allied Paratroopers who were chronically short of transport and heavy weapons.

K&C approached it with the Morris trucks and Carro Armato and T-34 tanks; more opportunity is out there with captured jeeps, Schwimmwagens, and halftracks.
Does anyone else notice that one of the FJ's is carrying a British Sten SMG? I think that's fantastic, and something lost on most people. Captured enemy equipment was often placed back into service against its original owners, especially by units like the FJ's, Commandos and Allied Paratroopers who were chronically short of transport and heavy weapons.

K&C approached it with the Morris trucks and Carro Armato and T-34 tanks; more opportunity is out there with captured jeeps, Schwimmwagens, and halftracks.

Yes he's carrying a British Sten ; probably captured from a French partisan . The Sten found it's origin in the German MP38 and captured Stens were renamed by the Germans as the MP750(e)
Very popular weapon in the resistance movements in the occupied territories

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