Gun collections ? (1 Viewer)

Wow...with some OO shot...that could wipe out a crowd of a dozen guys pretty quick...


Mike I highly recommend one if you have the interest!:D

YouTube has several videos of Benelli's fast firing which are pretty sharp.

Another feature allows you to change out a shot without unloading the

magazine. Really a great gun.:)

I agree! I used to have a FFL and traded Benelli, HK, Galil, Uzi, anything exotic really. I found HK's to be the most accurate right out of the box, Benelli the same quality. Everyone always liked the AK47's, SKS's and other russian/chinese weapons that flooded into our marketplace. They were usually crude but very dependible.

My latest pickup is a very nice Sig Sauer 556. It is very nicely designed and
constructed. I put a EOTech Holographic site on it which I like very much.

Here is a stock shot of the weapon.

The Sig looks great...I have had a Swat member offering me a good price on my Bushmaster...I never fire it...I'm really thinking about selling it...I want to keep the's just so durable...I like this video of the guy with the Benelli...this guy can shoot...I know he always gets his limit...;_ylt...u+tube+benelli+shotgun&fr=sfp&fr2=sfp&iscqry=
The Sig looks great...I have had a Swat member offering me a good price on my Bushmaster...I never fire it...I'm really thinking about selling it...I want to keep the's just so durable...I like this video of the guy with the Benelli...this guy can shoot...I know he always gets his limit...


Its always fun to pick up something new! Might be a good time to look around especially if you have someone interested in your Bushmaster!

I have always loved guns.....just hate to clean them! Most of mine are still
unfired, I usually pick a couple of carry/grab weapons to train on and the rest just sit loaded in the cabinet.

I did sight in the Sig, a fast hour at the range and a s-l-o-w 2 hour break down cleaning!:eek::)
I got the Chinese's a durable gun...probably the easiest weapon I own to's really not good for home more than a shot gun...I'm sure the rounds would go through every sheetrock wall in my house...killing the dog...the neighbors...just like you...I rarely fire it...when I take it to the range...the hunters trying to scope in their rifles to be season ready hate me...I just make a lot of noise shooting off 4-5 30 round clips...but it's a good gun...I have read stories of burying it in mud and it still fires....very dependable...the preferred weapon of 3rd world countries...:D

I don't have as many guns now as I used to have. When I was doing WW2 battle reenacting I had an M1 rifle, M1 carbine and M1903 rifle, all with correct features and accessories for WW2. I also had a Czech Mauser for a short time.

Now I just have an M1 rifle, a reproduction of the Winchester Model 1973 (these are my two favorite rifles!). I also have an M1911A1 (Auto Ordnance) as well as acouple "old west" revolvers from my Cowboy Action Shooting days. I also have a Walther P99 in 9mm that Ive been trying to sell off.

Gary B.
I got the Chinese's a durable gun...probably the easiest weapon I own to's really not good for home more than a shot gun...I'm sure the rounds would go through every sheetrock wall in my house...killing the dog...the neighbors...just like you...I rarely fire it...when I take it to the range...the hunters trying to scope in their rifles to be season ready hate me...I just make a lot of noise shooting off 4-5 30 round clips...but it's a good gun...I have read stories of burying it in mud and it still fires....very dependable...the preferred weapon of 3rd world countries...:D


You are 100% correct about the durability!:) I have never had an AK47 but I did recieve a brand new SKS still completly packed in cosmoline, along with a "canned Ham" of ammo. I unwrapped the SKS field stripped it an cleaned it popped in a clip and fired away.:eek: A friend asked me if I remember to clean the cosmoline out of the barrel..........:rolleyes: I figured the first clip handled that task.:eek:

No streetsweeper???

12 gauge version...

In my opinion a better choice is a Benelli 12 gauge it can fire 5 rounds in 1

second with its rolling block system. Using buckshot it is able to deliver more

shot a city block away then an electric mini-gun in the same time frame.:D

Loaded with buckshot and 50 cal slugs in a 50/50 can't really ask

for more firepower.:D
I had a feeling this topic was gonna ride!
I have not checked if they are still secure in their locked cabinet but do weapons that use water as ammo count ???!!! I also have have an artillery piece that fires matchsticks.

Warning to Canada and Mexico......... think twice about invading the USA !!
Warning to Canada and Mexico......... think twice about invading the USA !!

Yes we have more guns then people here.:D

It is the best way for the people to protect their freedom.:)
Wish i lived in the states, gun laws in uk suck big time. I currently own 5 rifles, only target shooting at the moment. I need another license to go deer stalking :(

Marlin .44 stainless steel underlever
my ruger 10/22 with folding stock
ruger mini14 with folding stock
Remington 700 police light tactical rifle in .308 with fluted barrel
Mosin nagant rifle (not the carbine) dated 1928

I have the marlin 45/70 cowboy in my sights, maybe some time next year when i give my model collecting a break.
Living in certain states here in the US is very nice. In my current state you can obtain a carry permit which allows you to carry a concealed weapon. You cannot carry it in any government buildings, sporting events, or places that serve alcohol, but everywhere else is ok.

It also allow you to purchase firearms on the spot. They simply make a copy of your permit and out you go.:)

Its funny, here we have almost no gun violence. One local town Woodstock requires every head of household to own a gun. People can get an exemption if they wish. They have very little crime in that town.

It goes to prove that guns are not the problem, criminals are.:)

My problem is what to carry today?:rolleyes::)
Thats my kind of place to live:) I once gave my license in to have an extra calibre added and they had it for 5 months. I could not go shooting because if you dont have your license with you when carrying a firearm the plod go crazy. If anything gun crime has risen since they banned handguns in uk, its easier and cheaper to by one out the pub than have a license.:confused:
Living in certain states here in the US is very nice. In my current state you can obtain a carry permit which allows you to carry a concealed weapon. You cannot carry it in any government buildings, sporting events, or places that serve alcohol, but everywhere else is ok.

It also allow you to purchase firearms on the spot. They simply make a copy of your permit and out you go.:)

Its funny, here we have almost no gun violence. One local town Woodstock requires every head of household to own a gun. People can get an exemption if they wish. They have very little crime in that town.

It goes to prove that guns are not the problem, criminals are.:)

My problem is what to carry today?:rolleyes::)

John...I may be wrong...but I think the Brady law was dropped in Nov 30, 1998...I think they now have a computerized instant check system that is done online...if instant approval is given...there is no waiting rare cases when an approval or denial does not come instantly...the purchaser must wait 3 days...

I think this is right...

but I gotta this true about the head of household being required to own a handgun in the city of Woodstock...
About to purchase a handmade French artillery carbine (a replca of a gun dated 1760). I will use it for reenacting, fun, and the "cool" facor...:D
John...I may be wrong...but I think the Brady law was dropped in Nov 30, 1998...I think they now have a computerized instant check system that is done online...if instant approval is given...there is no waiting rare cases when an approval or denial does not come instantly...the purchaser must wait 3 days...

I think this is right...

but I gotta this true about the head of household being required to own a handgun in the city of Woodstock...


Mike to be honest I really don't know the particular rules on Firearm waiting periods. I have had my carry permit ever since I turned in my FFL so I have never been subject to it's rules.

To my knowledge that head of household law still applies, but I got the city wrong it is Kennesaw, not Woodstock. Both border my town of Marietta.
Its funny, here we have almost no gun violence. One local town requires every head of household to own a gun. People can get an exemption if they wish. They have very little crime in that town.

It's crazy when you think about it...but I do like that law...I bet they do have very little crime in that town...

I never got a permit...

when I owned the restaurant...

I was allowed to carry a gun to and from the bank when making deposits...

still...I always meant to get a permit...I just never did...
I believe permits are the way to go. Require a person to have a clean backround, receive some training, then allow them to carry a personal weapon if they so choose.

People with proper training will not pull a weapon, and will avoid situations that might escalate.

I am reminded of the situation in Luby's Cafateria in 1991 where so many innocient people were killed & wounded by a madman. If one or more people had a concealed weapon in that situation many innocient people might be alive today.
Neither the liberals nor the conservatives want me, I'm too crazy. I think that every person over the age of 18 must be trained to handle and safely store a military firearm, either an assault rifle or a regular rifle, and everyone should be obligated to have one in their home.

All handguns or other small concealable weapons should be completely banned. You shouldn't be able to make one, sell one, carry one. If you are caught with a concealed weapon, you should be imprisoned for life. If you use one in the course of a crime, you should get the death penalty.

That would eliminate all weapon related crime, while ensuring everyone's second amendment rights.
Neither the liberals nor the conservatives want me, I'm too crazy. I think that every person over the age of 18 must be trained to handle and safely store a military firearm, either an assault rifle or a regular rifle, and everyone should be obligated to have one in their home.

All handguns or other small concealable weapons should be completely banned. You shouldn't be able to make one, sell one, carry one. If you are caught with a concealed weapon, you should be imprisoned for life. If you use one in the course of a crime, you should get the death penalty.

That would eliminate all weapon related crime, while ensuring everyone's second amendment rights.

I like your way of thinking Louis :) although I don't think any type of weapon needs to be owned by anyone.
Wow Louis and I thought I was harsh. While I agree with the training to use a firearm, believe me I am training my kids already, I think the out right banning of certain firearms will do no good because it is well documented the weapons used to commit felonies etc are usually stolen and or otherwise illegally obtained. I also dont want to see a ban put in place because it will take us down the road that several other countries have taken which is outright banning of all firearms in private hands and that is a total no go in my book. Stiffer fines or sentances make a better idea than for out right banning. Will it deter violent crime? Your guess is as good as anyones. I doubt it but thats an opinion. I believe in registering and licenses and training because I have seen and taken the training courses in Germany to get a hunting license and its not all book work its range time and other practical events invloving firearms. I also have taken courses in the states and they were fine, not as stringent or difficult as the German test but its a beginning.


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