Gunn miniatures figure release february 2017 (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
Aug 28, 2007








Dear All

Welcome to February’s releases, its mainly Ancients this month but we do aim to change this over the coming months with some Napoleonic's and a new series of Knights, however until then please read below for what is on offer.

SPA001B; A Spartan General prepares to throw his spear at the enemy, limited to 100 in number and priced at $55/£45 whilst stocks last. We have restocked on SPA001A but this will be the last top up of this figure, if you are thinking of jumping into this series then grab these early releases now in order to avoid disappointment. SPA002/003/004/005 A versions all sold out last month, a small top up has been ordered but this will be it for these figures as well. The Persian enemy for this range are now in production and will be available in the next couple of months.

SPA006A; A Spartan warrior draws his sword as enemy arrows falls around him, priced at $49/£39 whilst stocks last.

SPA007A; A Spartan warrior stands with sword ready to thrust as the enemy advance, priced at $49/£39 whilst stocks last.

SPA007B; A different take on the A version this time with spear ready to jab, priced at $49/£39 whilst stocks last. This is a limited version of 100 pieces.

That's all for the Spartans this month moving on our Romans have been a very popular series for over a year now, for those of you waiting the war elephant should be available for preview at the London show in March and the Celtic war chariot may even be there, as well as a few other surprises!

ROM034 Auxiliary Archer: This time with a twist, as our archer out of arrows and with no secondary Gladius to defend himself has picked up a Pilum and prepares to fight to the death. Priced at $49/£39 and available in 2 versions, the A with a silver helmet and the B version with a bronze helmet.

The B version are limited to 100 in number whilst the A are unlimited so long as demand is there.

ROM036 Running Legionnaire with Pilum available in 3 versions; A version Legion Minerva, B version 30th Legion and C version the missing 9th Legion. Priced at $49/£39, the B/C version are limited to 100 in number whilst the A are unlimited so long as demand is there.

ROM041 Shouting Centurion available in 3 versions; A version Legion Minerva, B version 30th Legion and C version the missing 9th Legion. Priced at $55/£45, the B/C version are limited to 100 in number whilst the A are unlimited so long as demand is there. All our previous 3 Centurions have now sold out in all variants, there will be more Centurions to follow but we have also added an Optio and a Tribune into the mix as well as a very famous General, all due out later in the year. An Emperor along with Praetorians will follow and be on display in London sometime this year.

ROM042 Legionnaire leaning on shield; Will look great in a camp scene or with other legionnaires waiting in reserve, available in 3 versions; A version Legion Minerva, B version 30th Legion and C version the missing 9th Legion. Priced at $49/£39, the B/C version are limited to 100 in number whilst the A are unlimited so long as demand is there.

ROM043A Legionnaire advancing with Pilum lowered wearing scale armour: When a Cohort advanced into battle the front rank lowered their Pilum, the second rank did the same and the third rank shouldered their Pilum. The second rank were trained to advance with their pilum protruding to the right so that should the enemy attack them the second rank could also engage at the same time as the front rank. Although the popular image of the Legion is one of uniformity there were several forms of armour protection employed including chain mail, Segmenta and scale armour. Our legionnaire wears beautifully detailed scale armour and is painted to an extremely high standard. We have only produced an A version with red shield at the moment, the B and C version will follow at some point in the future. Available now and priced at $55/£45 per figure.

ROM044A Legionnaire advancing with Pilum raised; A nice addition to your advancing Legionnaire ranks once again with scale armour and beautifully detailed. We have only produced an A version with red shield at the moment, the B and C version will follow at some point in the future. Available now and priced at $55/£45 per figure.

ROM050A Marching Legionnaire; This time with shield cover and cape attached to shield. Available in 1 version only at the moment, a new version with brown leather shield cover will be available soon, as well as a smaller limited run of our legionnaires without shield covers in the normal A version Legion Minerva, B version 30th Legion and C version the missing 9th Legion. Priced at $49/£39.

A new version of the above will appear with load as per Marius Mule later on in the year.

A question for collectors, are you happy with the current offerings of Legion types available or would you like us to add a new legion in addition to the ones currently on offer? Please email us with your suggestions, you never know you may receive something in the post if you suggest a great idea we follow up on!

Moving on we also take a quick pre-look at a WW2 offering which will be available next month;

KM001 Italian Barchino motor boat; A limited offering of 100 pieces with an A and B version available depending on which version of the sentry you prefer. The explosive motorboat MT (motoscarfo da Turismo) was a series of small assault boats designed by the Italian Navy during WW2 that were designed to be aimed at Allied shipping with a view to ramming them and detonating the explosoive charge installed in the bow of the boat.

Price will be around the $125 mark, pre-order now to ensure you do not miss out on this unique piece.

That's all for this month folks with regards to figures, I hope you enjoy them.

Best wishes The Gunn Team










Dear All

Welcome to February’s releases, its mainly Ancients this month but we do aim to change this over the coming months with some Napoleonic's and a new series of Knights,

Sounds good ..... maybe more Prussians at Waterloo ?????

Sounds good ..... maybe more Prussians at Waterloo ?????


Hopefully! We are still waiting for the command group to lead the previously released Landwehr soldiers.

Hopefully! We are still waiting for the command group to lead the previously released Landwehr soldiers.


Yes they are in the works, we had to thrash out a few ideas for this release but we finally got there!
"Apologies forgot to include this sculpt yesterday for the enemies of Sparta, its an Egyptian archer in Persian service, hope you enjoy it."




For helping TGM, they said they were going to send me a gift. I did not specify which one, but when I saw the Spartan General I really hoped it would be the gift.

Well, hope turned to reality a few days ago and the Spartan General showed up. It is a wonderful figure. While the shield (and the cheek guards on the helmet) are more representative of the movie 300 than historic examples, overall it is a very nice figure that balances between historic accuracy and nod to a very popular film. I am really pleased with it.

I really like how the bell cuirass is more representative of historical examples with the "muscles" more etched or in relief (I forget the technical terms) than molded. Also, the arm armor is a nice touch, as at the beginning of the Greco-Persian wars the hoplites had a lot more armor than usually depicted. Slowly many stopped using the extra armor for a more balanced ratio of speed/mobility versus protection against the highly mobile Mede, Persian and Saka "heavy" infantry that they often found themselves locked against in the phalanx. One of the real pleasures of this process has been getting to know Giannis Kadoglou (as well as the TGM team!) who is quickly becoming one of the foremost experts on ancient Greek weapons, culture, artifacts and fighting styles. He is a historian, re-enactor, recreator / replica maker of historic weapons and equipment, as well as all around nice guy.

Without further ado, here are the pictures:

With the FL Spartan Commander on left and an St. Petersburg Spartan noble on the right

Here you see the overly detailed FL muscle cuirass vs. the subtler TGM cuirass which is more representative of what we have found during the 4th century BCE (400 to 500 BC).

In some pictures the cloak is very glossy, but that is not the way it normally looks. Just the photo.


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