Gunn miniatures may 2017 (2 Viewers)


Lieutenant General
Aug 28, 2007







Dear All

Welcome to our figure release for May, plenty of variety this month, lets start off in historical order with our Ancient Greek range which now includes some colourful enemies for the Spartans. To avoid confusion, our opposition for the Spartans start with the serial number XE, although as most will know some enemies changed sides as the war progressed and fought on the same side as each other.

With the Persian fleet defeated at Salamis, Xerxes ordered all Marines to disembark and fight as conventional infantry. These included Egyptian Marines and our first 3 Egyptians feature these elite troops dressed in their exotic crocodile skin cuirasses, we also have 2 Cypriot Marines with elaborate uniforms and shields to create altogether 5 stunning new figures.

XE001 A kneeling Egyptian Archer in Persian service lets loose an arrow at the Spartan foe.

XE002 Another Egyptian archer but this time standing as he lets loose an arrow.

XE003A An Egyptian Marine throws a spear at the Spartans, the unique Leopard skin shield makes for an eye catching figure.

XE003B As above but with a very colourful full length wicker shield.

XE004A A Cypriot Marine with bronze shield featuring the god Pan, prepares to throw his spear at the enemy.

XE004B As above but with a figure of 8 Leopard skin shield.

XE005A Our last offering for the Persians features a Cypriot marine as he charges forward sword raised carrying a bronze shield adorned with the god Pan.

XE005B As above but with an ornate figure of 8 shield decorated with a border featuring 4 eagle heads.

All our Persian warriors feature a new level of painting and detail not seen before previously in our products. The A versions of these figures are unlimited so long as demand is there whilst the B versions are limited to 75 pieces worldwide. We only have a small batch of the B versions available at present, however more are on the way, all these figures are priced at $55/£45 which represent excellent value for money considering the detail.

Moving on in history we have 2 new fighting Romans for all you avid collectors of this series;

ROM046 A Legionnaire blocks a thrust with his Gladius.

ROM047 A Legionnaire uses his shield to protect himself from a shower of enemy arrows.

All the above Romans come in the normal 3 shield varieties of the Minerva legion (Red shield) 9th and 30th Legions with black shields. The red shield variety are unlimited so long as demand warrants production whereas the B shield variants are all limited to 75 pieces. All Romans in this release are priced at $49/£39 per figure.

Moving on to WW1 we have a superb looking German pilot figure Oswald Boelcke (GW075) one of the greatest aces of his time with 40 aerial victories claimed. Boelcke drew up and inspired tactics that were formalised into the rules of air fighting, which he presented as Dicta Boelcke. Whilst he promulgated rules for individual pilots his main concern was the perfection of fighting formations rather than individual effort. He taught many pilots their craft including Manfred von Richoften.

Boelcke died after having his top wing sheared off by another German pilot Erwin Bohme during an aerial dogfight with Allied pilots in 1916. Although Boelcke’s plane descended at a reasonable rate and crash landed without too much fuss on the German side of the front, Boelcke was killed by the simple fact he had not strapped himself in properly and never wore a flying helmet, he was only 25 years old. With German Jasta formations frequently being moved from one area of the front to another where they were most needed, pilots and mechanics had to make do sometimes with makeshift accommodation including tents. Our portrayal of Boelcke has him taking an early morning shave outside, in preparation for the first patrol of the day.

Priced at $45/£35 and limited to 100 in number worldwide.

For WW2 we have some new offerings as follows:

FJ020E: A Fallschirmjager Heavy Machine Gun crew take aim of their MG34 whilst kitted out for winter warfare. Priced at $89/£69 for a limited edition of 100 pieces worldwide.

Last month saw the release of our olive drab Bantam Jeep, this month we have the Desert version with 4 new Guards figures to accompany it plus a top up of GB001 Guardsmen on Parade.

GB001 Guardsman On Parade stood to attention (Top Up Limited Numbers of 40)

GB001B An NCO stood to attention to keep our Guards in order!

GB003 A Corporal points out to some obscure object in the distance!

GB004 A Corporal standing relaxed with rifle

GB005 A Sergeant Major with cane stick.

GB006 Bantam Jeep in Desert colours with Sten gun and fuel can.

All the above Guards figures are priced at $42/£32 and make for a great diorama setting with or without our Jeep. The Jeep is priced at $89/£69 and of course can be used in a variety of settings including as a parade accessory or with LRDG troops as you see fit.

For you WW1 aerial fans there will be a new Gotha previewed as well as a Roland fighter D V1 in limited numbers available later this month, so long as we can get the newsletter out!

So what’s next month in June figure-wise? A Roman Testudo possibly, some elephants maybe although it looks like we will not get these until end of June, definitely more Spartans as well as a Phoenician Marine for the Persian side.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed our news.

Best wishes

The Gunn Team










Nice to see TG up and running for May. Some interesting pieces here for consideration. Thanks Wayne and Tom. Robin.
Just requested all Persian figures and WW1 pilot. I am considering desert jeep having got olive version.

As for the Romans I will wait for the exciting stuff on the horizon

ROM056-4.jpgROM056-3 (002).jpgROM056-2 (002).jpgROM056-1 (002).jpg

Apologies I forgot to attach this picture in the recent newsletter of our first Roman Cavalry figure coming soon, hope you enjoy!
SPA018-1 (2).jpgSPA018-2 (2).jpgSPA018-3 (2).jpgSPA018-4 (2).jpg

Some pictures of a New Thespian Hoplite for our SPA series, hope you enjoy as much as the Roman Cavalry figure.
Please correct me if I am in error; but the Roman Cavalry did not use the Pilum, A Javelin ( short light spear) was the primary weapon of mounted combat and the Spatha the secondary weapon. The Late Empire period Cataphract utilized the lance,

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Apologies I forgot to attach this picture in the recent newsletter of our first Roman Cavalry figure coming soon, hope you enjoy!
Please correct me if I am in error; but the Roman Cavalry did not use the Pilum, A Javelin ( short light spear) was the primary weapon of mounted combat and the Spatha the secondary weapon. The Late Empire period Cataphract utilized the lance,

You are correct!
looking forward to Roman cavalry and hopefully some Celts in the near future.
On the Greek front can we expect more Persians in their "pajama" attire and maybe the "Immortals"?
looking forward to Roman cavalry and hopefully some Celts in the near future.
On the Greek front can we expect more Persians in their "pajama" attire and maybe the "Immortals"?

Immortals on the way soon along with Xerxes!

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