GUNN Wings of War. (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
Aug 28, 2007




WOW 023 ME262 Pulkerstorer variant with 50mm Cannon Our last aircraft for
this month is a unique variant of the Messerschmitt Me-262, an A-1a/U4
Pulkzerstörer, designed to carry a 50mm Mauser Mk 214 cannon. This was
intended to be the ultimate bomber-killer because of the pilot's ability to
fire outside the defensive gun range of the American bombers and the
devastating impact of the 50mm cannon shells, should they hit the target.
The gun had a weight of 490 kilos, a rate of fire of 45 rounds/minute and
each aircraft was designed to carry 22 projectiles, with each projectile
weighing 1.54 kilos. The size of the gun meant that the nose wheel mechanism
had to be reconstructed and the nose wheel swivelled 90 degrees, to then lay
horizontally in the bay beneath the gun when fully retracted. The cannon was
accessed by removing a large hatch along the upper nose and the otherwise
sleek outlines of the 262 were slightly marred by a hump covering the
foremost parts of the gun.
V083 was flown by Knights Cross winner Wilhelm Herget in combat on 2
separate sorties, but the 50mm cannon is reported to have jammed on both
Herget was an exceptional pilot with 73 kills to his credit, 8 of them in 1
night whilst tackling the RAF who were bombing Frankfurt in December 1943.
After the war ended V083 was captured by US forces and appears in several
photos with the name of 'Wilma Jean' painted on the nose.
WOW023 is priced at $560 plus P&P, we do not have any figures available to
go with this release and the figures shown in the photos are for scale
reference purposes only.
The main dispatches for our new figures will be released early next week
please note.
Thats it for today guys, thank you for taking the time to read this.
Best wishes
Vicki Lucas
TGM Marketing Manager





WOW 020/21 Macchi 200 Saetta
The Macchi 200 or 'Lightning 'was one of the main fighter aircraft employed
by Italy when it entered WW2 in 1940, with over 1000 being produced. It had
excellent dive characteristics and its all metal construction made it an
ideal ground attack aircraft. Its main weakness was its armament of only 2
machine guns which by WW2 were inadequate to deal with most Allied fighters.
It did however perform very well on the Russian front during the early years
of the war, where the Russians were not yet equipped with more advanced
fighters at this stage.
The Macchi also saw service in Yugoslavia, Greece, Albania, North Africa and
Our aircraft comes with a full interior including a very unique armoured
metal seat which could not have been very comfortable on a long flight!
We have 2 versions available:
A very attractive all green version from 85 Squadriligia (WOW 021) suitable
for the Balkans/Russian front with a total of 5 available and a 3 tone
camouflage version from 369 Squadriligia with 10 available (WOW 020).
Apparently this type of camouflage scheme was used in NA and Russia, so take
your pick where you want to display your model!
The all green variant comes with LUFT 006B and 007B Luftwaffe ground crew
free with our compliments. The 3 tone camo version comes with 2 x figures
from LUFT009B (pilot and FJ), once again also included for free.
Priced at $499 plus P&P which will vary wherever you live in the world.







Dear All
Welcome to our first newsletter for 2015 which will feature 3 new wooden
aircraft variants, not previously seen in 1/30 scale before. The theme this
month is 'Mainly green with a hint of Desert!'
Please also remember we offer the ability to pay over 3 months, so if you
dont want to splash out a chunk of money all at once, we can help you spend
it over 3 months instead!
Each aircraft is hand carved in Mahogany, takes something like 60 hours of
work to reach completion and is a strictly limited edition that is not
likely to be repeated again. All aircraft now feature a complete interior
with seatbelts, joy stick and dashboard as we constantly seek ways to
improve our models.

WOW 022 Roland C11
Kicking off with WW1 we are very pleased to announce a Roland 2 seat
reconnaissance/artillery spotter aircraft, the C11 or 'Walfisch' (Whale) as
known by its official name. The Walfisch first flew in 1915 and was found to
be 30 KPH faster than most fighters of the day, this meant it could carry
out its duties and outrun any Allied fighters that tried to intercept it.
Its speed made up for any lack of manoeuvrability, although the Roland could
be difficult to land due to limited downward visibility for the pilot.
Our Roland 'White 7' from Kasta 2 features a 3 tone colour scheme as it
would have appeared in 1916/1917, with 'sharks teeth and eyes' painted on
the front to ward off Allied fighters!
Limited to 15 in number worldwide and priced at $499 plus P&P with GW041
Guard figure included free.









How many of the ME262 are available? Ron

Hi Ron
I was just making my way to the forum to announce that 12 x ME 262 are available, 7 have arrived here in UK so far with the remaining 5 scheduled for shipping next week.
Best wishes Vicki
Hi Vicki,

Any chance of TGM doing any of the post WWII classic early jet fighters like the P80 Shooting Star, F86 Sabre, F9F Panther, etc.?

Hi Vicki,

Any chance of TGM doing any of the post WWII classic early jet fighters like the P80 Shooting Star, F86 Sabre, F9F Panther, etc.?


Yes there is Buster! There are a couple of postwar jet fighters scheduled in for the end of the year as well as some iconic aircraft from the 1970's, albeit in very limited numbers as they fall outside the main area of collecting for most people.
However its not an area we intend to neglect and if you have any particular aircraft you would like to see please feel free to email ( them to me so I can forward them to the design team.
Best Vicki
OK, am i reading this correctly ? The Italian plane is $499 ??
OK, am i reading this correctly ? The Italian plane is $499 ??

yes you are. (+ postage) The aircrafts are not made of polystone but are handcrafted in wood and are very limited in numbers ( 7 max 10 of each). Interesting : payable in instalments

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