H.M.S. Treefrog.... (2 Viewers)


2nd Lieutenant
Feb 8, 2006
As some of you know, I am a naval buff, as well as a Zulu War / Victorian era soldier collector. Once again this is Dirty Charlie's fault. When he joined up and started sharing his stuff, it rekindled the childlike spark in me that was always the reason for playing with toy soldiers. His gunboat as well as the Dorset offerings got me thinking that I could build one, like I used to in the old days. Knowing that I have limited carpentry skills, my starting one depended on me finding a suitable premade hull. At a train show this weekend I found one and I thought it would be fun if we, as a forum might design it together.......I can only model and paint it as my skill allows, but I am looking for everyones help to put a face to it.......I could use refernce sites and books fron you Zulu War and Sudan types. I could use pro painting and modeling tips from the artists. And I want ideas from anyone as to gear and fittings ( no, an 88 was not mounted on these ) nor rockets...The attached photos will show the original boat and I hope to keep you informed as details are added........And so....this was the boat purchased. The bow has already been modified from a modern angle forward to a more straight up and down in that era. I am looking for 1870's to 1880's, so deck guns and gatlings and early maxims were probably the weapons of the day, but that depends on your imput This ship is about 18" long and 4" wide...Michael


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This is the ship hull only, which will be our start.......


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These are concept models with wood shapes to show ship types.......This would be a side wheeler......Please use your imagination..


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This would be as a screw propellor type.........


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Michael you are having a great start. Beating me to the punch as I have only begun to collect the parts I need. The side wheeler looks great! If you build that one maybe I will build a rear wheeler.
Michael you are having a great start. Beating me to the punch as I have only begun to collect the parts I need. The side wheeler looks great! If you build that one maybe I will build a rear wheeler.

Depending on the references given by the members, I am hoping for a side wheeler. My stern really is not cut for a stern wheeler. If you need reference ideas, I can recommend a book or 2. They are ACW oriented, but we are talking reletively about the same time period.......as the Zulu, Nile wars..Michael
I like your gunboat idea. I will start looking for a basic ship to convert. I see Verlinden is coming out with a 1/35 Barge boat with supplies for fifteen bucks. Don't know if it would work for a basic hull.Give me some ideas to try. Leadmen
I like your gunboat idea. I will start looking for a basic ship to convert. I see Verlinden is coming out with a 1/35 Barge boat with supplies for fifteen bucks. Don't know if it would work for a basic hull.Give me some ideas to try. Leadmen

Most river gunboats of the 1870 era had low freeboards and thus a 4" x 18" piece of fence picket would work. That would have been my first choice, before I lucked out on this ship at a toy train convention.......There are a number of gunboat pictures on the net and I am using some as a reference point as well as imput from the forum ( I hope ).....I have found a U.S. dealer for Dorset armament....with crew. See attached....Hope that helps. Michael


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This is a stats report on my HMS Treefrog.....I have added a raised prow and you can see how the paddle wheels will sit. There will a box below the curved part of the wheels. I will probably paint the hull black with white upper decks and oak deck.........Michael


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What is the purpose of the box.

On some gunboats of this era, they would box in most of the exposed paddles to protect them from arty and zulu and sudanese spears.......I may choose to expose the paddles for looks ,but it will mean scratching the paddles by hand.....YUK... Michael All of the ships shown have boxed in side wheels...


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Cool, saves the pain of having to make the wheel.:rolleyes:

I changed my mind about the box. Please do not hate me.......Had a resin 1/2 wheel from an old ship model and I extended the paddles to make it a more likely fit.......Bought paint today and hope to get the hull total done.....Michael


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Hi Guys,

Here is a copy of a gun boat from the Tigris Flotilla from WWI There are some articles in wikipedia, check them out



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