Halloween Grave yard diorama (2 Viewers)


Command Sergeant Major
Nov 3, 2005
I found some Halloween stuff at michaels craft store that might be of intrest to some of you guys that is around 1/32 to 1/30 scale. Most of it is useless but the gravestones, gargoyles and crypt or maybe some of the other stuff in this series could be of use to some of you. I can see those gargoyles as part of some new foam building in the future and the grave stones aren,t that bad if you take off the scull and bones off of them either. You can make a little grave yard scene.Here is a picture of the pieces that are now a part of my wifes little halloween set up.


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I liked this set with the guy in shackles and the executioner.


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My wife painted this little house also found in michaels(unpainted plain wood finish)to go with her little set up. Boy would it be great if I could get her into this stuff also!:p I think it might be starting to rub off on her!:p


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The grave digger is pretty cool also!


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a close up off the cemetery gate.


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I like this cript piece also it would make a nice piece in a diorama. I,ll bet the kilted vampire will like this stuff!!!:D


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You got me thinking........................I need some new diorama ideas....Thanks
Looks like fun. I can see the statues and headstones being used in a diorama.:)
check out the gargouls they would be great on a foam building. There are five of them in a pack for $5. There are two she put on the sides of the front gate and two at the back gate, the 5th is sitting on top of the chimney of the house. They could also be used on a stone wall project or something like that. I love to walk around these craft stores and find stuff like this. I found the 4 street lamps and the back gate in the x-mas section along with all the stone walls that are around the grave yard. I just had to flog the snow base on the walls. I also found some stacks of cord wood that look pretty cool in the michaels store x-mas section but there not in the picture as they don,t go well with the grave yard theme.
Looks like she did a nice job. My compliments. Why don't you and she do one together? Might be interesting.
I like this cript piece also it would make a nice piece in a diorama. I,ll bet the kilted vampire will like this stuff!!!:D

Good eveneen,MUAHHAHAHhaaaaaaaaaa:eek: Of course,you realize I own the entire Village:eek: Vere else vood a vampire stay. Vonderful job fishead!
The Lemax buildings and accessories vork vell vith O guage trains as vell. Ve have many trains in trainslyvania.MUHahahhaaa*choke haaa*cough cough
Oh verget it. Many thanks for the posts.

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