Happy 4th July(for tommorow!) (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
May 18, 2005
As i'm not around tommorow just wanted to wish all my American friends and fellow treefroggers a great 4th July.Hope you have a fantastic day, all the best to all of you

As i'm not around tommorow just wanted to wish all my American friends and fellow treefroggers a great 4th July.Hope you have a fantastic day, all the best to all of you


Thanks Rob. From an American viewpoint, it seems awkward hearing "have a happy 4th" from someone in the UK, but it is well received just the same!! It reminds me that I never had the opportunity to ask someone from England how the whole AWI is viewed from the other side of the pond. Seeing that our countries were once at war and now have become the strongest of allies, how is the AWI taught in your country? Can you give us the UK perspective on this? Hearing your side would be a great education, at least for me.
Well i think its pretty much thought of with a bit of humour really.I think deep down a lot of Brits think our empire was oppressive and you deserved your independence.There certainly is no bad feeling as far as i know,it was so long ago now it would be silly.I guess some people think what would the empire have been like if America was still in it,but its not really an issue.As you say we are now the closest of Allies which is great.However the good feeling and forgetting of past conflicts does not extend to Germany and France i'm afraid.There is still bitter feelings in my country mostly to Germany of course but also a mistrust of the French.(not my opinion you understand)

I don't think the AWI is taught much in schools,in recent decades there has been a surge of interest in WW1 and WW2 and so other Wars seem to slip from interest.

From a personal viewpoint i am very fond of America and its people.Half my family live in and around Phoenix Ariz and i have visited your country four times now and hope to go back next year.I have always found Americans friendly,open, honest and generous.

And when you think about it when you fought for Independence and freedom its what we did during the Battle of Britain.(although even the British empire wasn't as bad as the Nazis!!!)

No on the whole i think many people in this country love the US(and never even think of the AWI).Although,and i hope you don't mind me saying this,Mr Bush is not so popular.

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Thank you very much Rob!! I haven't had any opportunities to seek the opinions and thoughts of those who are on the outside looking in. So I apprecite you taking the time to explain that. I find it interesting that Germany has yet to fall into your country's good graces and that the AWI is more of an after thought. All that is understandably so. It just intrigues me how different the AWI is viewed, taught, valued and recognized between our two countries.

Once again very interesting and thanks for shedding some light on the subject for me.
I agree totally with Rob's summing up. It's well in past history and if the British nation held a grudge about every country we've been at war with at some time or other, we'd end up a pretty lonely island.

What is a bit dissappointing is the lack of major conflicts in history syllabussesess :)confused:) at school. We never really touched on the AWI or other American based conflicts. This I'm sure is why there is little interest in toy soldier collecting in these areas in the UK, but why the Napoleonic era attracts a great deal of interest.

Have a good 4th July!

Your welcome Revwarbuff.I like to think that traumatic as the AWI was for both our countries it was not as traumatic as WW1 and WW2, and in those world threatening conflicts we stood and fought together and that is the main thing.

On the school front i really wish i'd learnt about the ACW,as i grow more interested in this every year.

Have a great day guys and don't think too badly of the old country!;)

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Happy Fourth of July.I should drive to Indiana and buy some big fireworks and blow up everything in the house to make room for more figures and tanks.:rolleyes: Maybe I will blow up my Britains' Concord Bridge with some K/C tanks on it. That will make her very happy:) Well, have a nice and safe fourth.
Have you limeys seen the patriot? It portrays the british in an extremely unflatering light. I know that the british army was much more courteous than the Continental one and that the british diden't go around slaughtering women and children.

If Mel Gibson said the sky was Blue i would go and look for myself.Some of the stuff he's made pure S*** in my humble opinion.:)

Have a great Day in the USA!

Another thing, we had about a dozen German students visit our school and they kept ranting about how much they hate you. They say you constantly mock them by waving swastikas at soccer games and other events. Is this true?
You use the term 'You' implying us a nation.Certainly not.There are a few mindless morons who do but not the majority.But its a bit rich coming from a country who still has a far right problem involving Nazi loving skinheads attacking foreigners in their streets.Don't tar us all with the same brush mate.

I have to agree with Rob on this one. There are a few louts in every crowd. The extremes (and I wouldn't even call them fans) in any country like to egg on the other extremes. You shouldn't tar a country with what a few extremes do. For instance, in some cities in this country, when a team wins a championship, riots have been known to happen. People from outside the US would think we're all like that and that wouldn't be correct, would it?
Thank you Brad,happy 4th July mate!:)

You too buddy. Hope we get to meet some day, other than via K & C TV!

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