Happy Holidays and Thank You! (1 Viewer)


Master Sergeant
Oct 20, 2005
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year to everyone on the forum. Here's wishing all of you a peaceful and prosperous 2009!

W. Britain is closing out a very strong 2008 - thanks in large part to many of you! Needless to say it has been one heck of a wild ride - from blizzards, earthquakes, Olympics and other delays in China to economic uncertainty and upset in the world. That said, it seems times like these often call for a return to the simple things that make us feel good. And of course toy soldiers are one of those feel good things that we can loose ourselves in for a minute, hour, day, week, or lifetime.

Not sure about you but I would much rather think about the 24th Foot repelling a Zulu assault and how I am going to make it look on my shelf than about credit default swaps!

We will be adding to many existing lines and bringing out a few new ones next year with full steam ahead. And as always, we value your input and really enjoy the to and fro of this great forum. Thank you to Shannon and Pete, the moderators, Polar Bear and all of you that take the time to post or read what is going on in this hobby of ours.

All the Best,

The W. Britain Team -
Richard, Ken, Allan, Dave, Ted, Ralph, Wendy, Jeff, Angela, Larry, Amanda and our UK folks - Sam, Sandra and Mark
No, we thank you Britains.

The Zulu line is fantstic, so much so I have every available piece....twice! Personally I would like to see the range eventually move towards Isandlwana (yes, that's me standing in front of it!) and I know you ask Ian for his input and he really does know what floats an AZW enthusiasts boat, so do listen to him.

The only other pieces I would like to see you introduce I can simply say with one word...........Somme.

Happy Chrimbo.
Want to take a moment to thank both you and Ken along with all of the members of the WBritain's team for the pleasure and enjoyment I've had playing with and photographing the New Zulu War figures over the past months and looking forward to the arrival of their mates and fellow warriors due in 2009. I'm looking forward Richard to seeing photographs of your 24th Foot repelling your Zulu Warrior with the backdrop Dio base Ken's got planned for you no excuses you need the play time. Here's wishing you and all at WBritain's a very Merry Christmas and a Banner New Year....The Lt.
Thank you Richard & Ken and the WB staff for helping us get through these very stressful times. In a world that often seems to be spinning out of control there is nothing more reassuring than being able to set up one's collection of toy soldiers in ever changing scenes, providing the sense that one can at least control a small corner of the world. Despite the release delays due to circumstances in China the resulting products have been well-worth the wait. The addition of the Museum Collection in matte finish and the expansion of the Classic lines (Redcoats, Bluecoats, Redcoats & Bluecoats/FIW, and most recently Petticoats) has been a highlight for me this year. The latter have taken the glossy toy soldier to a new standard of excellence. May 2009 bring continued success to W. Britain and many exciting new releases for collectors.

Thank you, I received three figures from the French-Indian War yesterday and found them wonderful.

Thank you Ken for your regular input on the forum.

A happy holiday season to the entire Britain Team.
Merry Christmas to all at Britains and thank you for a great 2008. Looking forward to all the new releases in 2009.
Thanks for an interesting 2008 WB - I'm looking forward to 2009. A very Merry Christmas to all on your team.

Gary B.
Merry Christmas to all! And, to all a good soldier! It has been one heck of a year for me. But, I am back to a degree and hope to be more of a pain soon.
I wish to thank all of you whom have made this year and my recovery so enjoyable. I would also like to thank my clients whom have shown such patience whilst waiting for the return of their beloved figures.

Best Fishes and Happy Christmas! Joyuex Noel! Feliz Navidad, Froliche Weinachten!
Merry Christmas and Thank You to everyone at Britains. I have just started adding pieces from the Zulu series to my collection.
Merry Christmas to all and thanks to all the people at Britains. Love the items I've collected this year from Britains Napoleonics, ACW and ZULU. Top notch stuf. Solid favorite line of prepainted soldiers for me.
Warming up for the 2nd Annual Mancave refight of Rourkes Drift next month.
More ZUlus from Britains to finish off another regiment!


P.S. I got the Camerons Pies and Drums and a whole gaggle of RedCoat 1815 highlanders for Christmas!!!!
Merry Christmas to all and thanks to all the people at Britains. Love the items I've collected this year from Britains Napoleonics, ACW and ZULU. Top notch stuf. Solid favorite line of prepainted soldiers for me.
Warming up for the 2nd Annual Mancave refight of Rourkes Drift next month.
More ZUlus from Britains to finish off another regiment!


Be aware Harold you'll be remainded of it should it not appear in the above time frame. Hope your Christmas day was one of the best ever.....The Lt.
Be aware Harold you'll be remainded of it should it not appear in the above time frame. Hope your Christmas day was one of the best ever.....The Lt.

LT, I'll try. I have a Napoleonic insanity I have not even finished setting out. Promised fishhead that one.It's been sitting unfinished for 2 weeks.Already lost interest!
The New Britains I've collected were not available last year. I have about 24 of them, so the Battle must be refought , again , in miniature.

Hope you and the little Captain are safe, warm and cozy!

Fub we've got a minor heat wave headed our way and both the Little Captain and I are looking forward to it. You must not disapoint fishead for I'm sure we'll see him provide us with a follow up to yours. Take care and be sure to keep the man cave warm for you to play in...The Lt.
Fub we've got a minor heat wave headed our way and both the Little Captain and I are looking forward to it. You must not disapoint fishead for I'm sure we'll see him provide us with a follow up to yours. Take care and be sure to keep the man cave warm for you to play in...The Lt.

That heatwave just passed through here LT. Thought I would be kind and send it your way :). Thanks to the warmth all of our 8 inches of snow we receieved previously is now gone :D :D :D

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