HaT French in overcoats (1 Viewer)


Jan 26, 2008
Two boxes stalled in UPS from TSSD. (?) I had my hand on one box fresh from the packing boxes at The Hobby Bunker but if was promised to another customer. Dang!

More to follow. They look nice!
So close!Those are on my to get list as well as the Wurttemberg troops.
I have a Middle Guard Battalion in mind, as well as some assorted flank Co. for my Line battalions.
Been saving the covered Shako heads as I cast so I can swop heads around some.
Hat is really providing some excellent figures for Napoleonic in 1/32 and have quite a few in various stages on their website.The more the merrier!
Cant wait for the Greatcoats i plan on buying the two sets.
I like what hat are doing...no throw away poses in there sets just good poses for building formations :cool:.
I hope they do Civil War someday :)
I had to go look, I didn't know what side WURTTEMBERG was on.
Cant wait for the Greatcoats i plan on buying the two sets.
I like what hat are doing...no throw away poses in there sets just good poses for building formations :cool:.
I hope they do Civil War someday :)

RobRagnar, That is a very important point at least to me. I like the look of massed formations and the Hat figures lend themselves perfectly .
I talked myself into a couple extra boxes and an extra command set too.
Again, been saving extra parts as I cast. Have a tin overflowing with Old Guard Chassuer Bearskin heads , maybe 50-60 of them.Some plastic decapitations , some holes drilled in the neck, some epoxy and more Poses with command for my Old Guard at Waterloo collection.
That was easy to convince myself .
Now if only they can start pumping out some Cav sets :cool:
Now if only they can start pumping out some Cav sets :cool:
So, what would be your vote on Cavalry?
I'd have to vote for French Cuirassier . Still want to add more for Waterloo.
All of the new Hat 1/32nd sets landed here just in time to take to Annandale last Thursday, customers at the show really loved them, sold through most of them and reordered more today, they will be here tomorrow, my supplier is aces........................
So, what would be your vote on Cavalry?
I'd have to vote for French Cuirassier . Still want to add more for Waterloo.

For Cavalry it would have to be French Cuirassier's also for me :cool:.
I have always liked them plus i have had this image on my brain for a few years now........A mass of Cuirassiers charging at a Footgaurds square.
But im not sure hat will do them first as i have a hunch they might do something that has not been done before in plastic.
Maybe something like Russian or Austrian Cuirassiers??.
A new set of Scots Greys would be nice but with Bearskins (acta made a set but they have very bowed sabre's?)
RobRagnar :)
You are right Rob. Any Russian, Prussian ,Austrian cavalry would be good to see in plastic.I have Russian Chassuer A Cheval, Dragoon troopers sitting 3/4 done on the workbench.My attempts at Mounts set me back.Sorry excuses for horseflesh, even sorry looking hounds.Just plain BAD. So, I haven't finished the troopers.
Of course even if they were halfway decent sculpts they would be for metal.

I also plan on some conversion for the Overcoat figs. Going to try and make some line foot arty gunners out of a few.
The figs look really nice and have scads of possibilities.
Hey atleast you gave it ago on the horses i would imagine they would be tough to sculpt.
You could always just do some dismounted Dragoons...Frontline did some sets but not much out there for painting.
and i don't think they have ever been made in plastic :rolleyes:.

Back to hat.......how about some red lancers :cool:
Generic cavalry in overcoats with multiple heads for different units?
Generic cavalry in overcoats with multiple heads for different units?

Good idea as most French Cavalry have the same horse gear anyway.
Cararbiniers and Cuirassiers just need the heads swaped.
I hope the Manufacturers are "listening."

HaT's newer 1/32 Napoleonics are far superior to their earlier dragoons and Austrian avant guard.
Hat has 2 new sets of Prussians updated with box art and test shots.
I think the box art is real bonus :cool:.....how good is this they do a set full of "marching troops".
plus a set of "action poses" and i geuss they will have a "command set in the works :D.
there output over the last twelve months has been oustanding they get my vote for BEST PLASTIC MAKER OF 2009.
Yes and they are all in step as well! I like the all marching set.I see more Prussian Battalions in my future.And yes, they have been very busy with new troops and have my vote for best plastics 2009.
Yes in step they are i suppose after the lights hat will work there way up thru the ranks until they reach the OldGaurd.
and they don't have to be doing anything but just standing there waiting in reserve :cool:
I'd really like to see some British in the correct loading and firing positions. Both types of shakos would be nice for Spain, and Belgium, maybe America. (93rd cloth bonnets and trousers for New Orleans as well)

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