HaT prices..what? (2 Viewers)

I just looked, 18 figures for $32, that's about $1.78 per figure. I don't buy plastic figures, so I'm not up on prices for them. How much of an increase is that over previous prices?

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They must know what other dealers sell figures for. Maybe it's their location in NY and their warehouse in Jersey City? I've bought a good number of plastic figures from them before when I couldn't get them elsewhere or they have a sale.
The Toy Soldier Co has the highest and super inflated prices anywhere.Not sure why, but it's always been so.
Go with Hobby Bunker for plastics.Always reasonable and retail.
Hey Guys

I have just had a look at the Toy Soldier Co website - looked up the hat painted figures and I was surprised to see my painted figures photos being used to sell their range of hat painted figures sets (photos gleaned off the hat website.)

I am not bothered at all until they comment that their range of painted figures would have more detail than mine. I then had a look at their own in-house painted hat Napoleonic figures from other sets and they are just a very basic paint job in comparison.

They have used my Wurttemberg Fusiliers/Musketeers and the French in greatcoats. I feel rather insulted. Not very sporting as we Brits say!!!Maybe I should write a protest note to the US Embassy in London??

Or maybe I should be flattered?

Hey Guys

I have just had a look at the Toy Soldier Co website - looked up the hat painted figures and I was surprised to see my painted figures photos being used to sell their range of hat painted figures sets (photos gleaned off the hat website.)

I am not bothered at all until they comment that their range of painted figures would have more detail than mine. I then had a look at their own in-house painted hat Napoleonic figures from other sets and they are just a very basic paint job in comparison.

They have used my Wurttemberg Fusiliers/Musketeers and the French in greatcoats. I feel rather insulted. Not very sporting as we Brits say!!!Maybe I should write a protest note to the US Embassy in London??

Or maybe I should be flattered?


Dave I have seen there painted figures and also what they call conversions???? And they are horrible!:( I would be very insulted if I were you and have them remove your photos from there site. They wish they could paint as well as you. Did you see the prices they get for that HACK WORK!!!!:eek: There idea of figure conversions is putting a shako head on a civil war figure and now hes a mexican.:p What a joke!!! There is a lot of research going on in there figure painting and conversion work chech out some of there ??? conversions??? Also note the prices! Then check out the painting research that goes into the painting detail!:p:p:p I remember seeing some Viking I think were painted as Clowns???? I think they use comic books for uniform reference.:p
Hi Tim

I am not too concerned - its just the principle involved - I painted these two sets under a bit of pressure to try and get the photos onto hat's website to help encourage others to buy the sets and paint them.
I have always done this to assist hat as I believe they need support to keep producing these amazing new sets of Napoleonic figures that I could only dream of years ago. I have also purchased many boxes of hat 1/32nd figures.

I do have several grades of painting to suit whoever wants my figures from basic to highly detailed. Some collectors want very basic paint jobs as this reflects their taste (maybe a throwback to their childhood figures etc..) Then of course I do paint for my own collection, which are my best paint jobs. Its all a bit of fun and I would be lost without my painting.

Well i would come down on them with fury if they ever rip any of my pics :mad:.
Fish you are right there paint jobs look like they were done by a 5yr old :D and they charge $10 per foot.
And talking about inflated prices what about there retired WBritains sets whats going on there :rolleyes:
they also price gouge on there overseas postage rates.
wow if i could get prices like that for my deetail collection ,i would be crazy not to sell. of all my years of online searching i have never come across that websight.
I've been their place in Jersey City. It's nearly under the bridge that the Martians destroyed in War Of The Worlds. You knock on the back door of an industrial warehouse, tell the kid you have an appointment and they take you up in a freight elevator. The space is huge with tables of 1/32 war game figures set up and lots of old figures you can't get anymore but they were too busy to help me look at stuff in cases or back shelves. If you want something they hand you a catalog rather than have you take anything off the shelves. (inventory reasons) It was an adventure

I can't see the large mark-up on NOT rare figures. :confused:
Dave, I'd email him and protest in the strongest terms possible.Email HAT as well. You painted those as samples and HAT uses them on their website as painted samples by collectors and hobbyists.TSC advertising someone elses work as their own is completely dishonest.Not a good move at all.
Never mind the Double retail prices.I suppose he can ask whatever he wants but geez.I wonder how the owner of Hat feels about the painted image rip off?

Not only that but they say on there site that the figures in question are painted inhouse by hat.
And that there's will be painted with more detail ???:rolleyes:
Hi Guys

I will contact hat and speak to my friend there. Like you all I spend many hours painting the figures in my limited spare time (after a stressful 40 hour week at work). I do paint the hat figures to help hat not for any personal gains

thanks for your advice on this matter

Hi - just had another look at the Toy Soldier Co website and they have also copied two other hat website photos of painted test shots - Wurttemberg Grenadiers and some other French in Greatcoats. Not sure who painted these but their names will be on the hat website alongside their submitted photos. The same comments are made about the detail - what a cheek and these other figures are highly detailed excellent little works of art.
Hi - hat are quite shocked at the selling prices of their products - will update you again

hat are on the case - they do have a copyright for all items on their website.
Maybe TSC should have asked permission to copy and should attribute the photos to the relevent artist and not belittle our hard work with unfair comments.
Thanks for your support with this -

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