Hello from Andy (1 Viewer)

King & Country

1st Lieutenant
May 23, 2005
Dear One and All,

Sorry I’ve been hiding for the last couple of weeks. As some of you may know I’ve been in California at “Weekend of Heroes”… then onto Boston for “World Model Expo” and finally to Paris (France not Texas) to meet up with Frederic Genard of “Toysoldiers Paris” who we’ve just appointed our exclusive distributor for all of France.

I was fortunate to link up with Louis (Badolato) at the Boston Show and had a great evening at Matt Murphy’s Hobby Bunker for a talk and a “Q&A” with some dedicated K&C collectors.

Both American shows were very different but each in their own way very enjoyable. “Weekend” was primarily for the 1/6th GI Joe Type figures but there were several K&C dealers there. I had the good fortune and great pleasure to meet and talk with Colonel Danny McKnight of “Blackhawk Down” fame. Colonel McKnight led the vehicle part of the mission and the rescue attempts. An awe inspiring soldier and a first-class officer – and that’s coming from a former Marine!

Both shows deserved bigger attendance than they got but everyone who did go definitely had a great time.

Now, a few points from the forum…

1) Gideon’s Decals and Transfers - We use neither - some items such as flags, shoulder patches, sometimes stripes and often vehicle markings (stars, numbers etc.) are “Pad Printed” which is a process similar to screen printing.

2) New Releases … Older Items Being Retired. In order to keep up the steady flow of fresh new items some older ones have to be “let go”. We only have so much space in our Hong Kong warehouse … In addition collectors - most of them anyway - like to see new items emerging regularly. Just compare our regular release schedule with the haphazard and irregular releases of some of our famous competitors. I don’t have to name them you all know who they are.

K&C collectors collect a wide range of different K&C series so we try to produce new items for all of these groups throughout the year. In the next few months you can expect: French Napoleonics in August, German “Battle of the Bulge” in September, LAH figures in October, British & German Napoeonics in Nov / Dec. Plus Ancient Egyptian “add-ons” in December and that’s only part of it!

So we’re not trying to bankrupt you, but we are attempting to satisfy the rapidly growing demand for King & Country ranges.

So that’s the story so far …

Best wishes and happy collecting.

From A Serious Collectors Point Of View I Would Assume The Ww2 Series European Thearter Is One Of Your Most Popular Sellers Especially The Lah -ws Ra Bb Sets But By Not Producing Enough In Quanity Makes The Competition Extremely Tough I Just Placed An Order For A Grille & Hetzer Now In Hopes I Can Get One Of Each And They Wont Be Out Till September
DOUG STORK :confused:
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The only sets I pre ordered were the limited dragoons & stug.
Never have I had problems getting new sets. There was always plenty to go around.
As always Andy, thanks for your input into this forum. I certainly understand your storage dilemma. If you could just give us as much of a heads up as to when you decide to "let go" of a certain set. That would be very helpful to assure, from a collectors stand point, that we can enjoy the purchase of new sets as they are released yet still budget and anticipate the purchase of older sets being retired or "let go".
Your coming new sets are looking great as usual. Keep them coming. (Note: Any subliminal suggestions to produce another winter whitewashed tiger in this forum is purely coincidental yet should be considered)
Any plans to include a M3 Half Track (M3A1, M3A2 variations) in the near future? This is one of the great armored vehicle commonly seen in ETO and PTO operations. The M3 White Scout Car is another great vehicle (mostly used by the Russians but relegated to MP duties by the U.S Army in 1944 with the introduction of the M3 HT).
Hello Andy,
Just wondering if the new bob Americans are still on track for Nov. I know thats been mentioned in previous posts. And will you have a new bob tank for those new bob german tank riders????
Love the winter stuff!!! Nice job.
New message from Andy

Hi Guys,

Re “Headsup” on retirement of vehicles/sets our “Standard Operating Procedure” is to inform all our dealers through our monthly “DISPATCHES” newsletter. This then gets disseminated to the collectors.

Re some other points: -

1) Battle of the Bulge Hetzer – when I was researching this particular vehicle in this battle the most widely used version was the “ambush pattern” paint scheme one- that’s why I chose it.

2) M3 Halftrack – Look out for a brand-new M3 complete with 81mm mortar in the rear. Being released as part of our Battle of the Bulge GI “add-ons” in November.

Vehicle comes with a driver plus two GI’s manning the ‘tube’.

3) The new “B of B” GI’s are still on track for November release.

4) No new “B of B” German tank or tracked vehicles except the previously mentioned Hetzer and Grille …

However, our winter tank riders look great on our “Berlin” King Tiger.

Hope this info helps …

Best wishes and … happy collecting.

Re: New message from Andy


Thanks for the heads-up. A M3 finally...YEAH! This is also known as the M21 (M3 with 88mm mortar) correct? This vehicle will be a good complement with the retired M16 Quad (M3 with a mounted AA gun). How about a M3A1 APC (M3 Personnel Carrier with MG cupola)...anything on the horizon?


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As if 2 jobs aren't enough! My nights are still free, maybe Quick Trip has an overnight position available.
Andy, you keep em coming, I,ll find the money.
Can't wait for these.Love the B.O.B line.The M3 sounds fantastic,how to pay for it is the question!.
Great news! Are there going to be 101st paratroopers in winter uniforms with the G.I.'s?

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